100 PVCombo 101 Picture 102 Collection 103 General 105 General Properties 108 Item/Col Styles 110 Item/Col Styles Properties 113 Sorting 115 Sorting Properties 116 0 - Editable 117 2 - Non Editable 118 0 - None 119 1 - Heavy Indent 120 2 - Shadow 121 3 - Outdent 122 4 - Indent Frame 123 5 - Light Indent 124 0 - None 125 1 - Fixed Single 126 0 - None 127 1 - Custom 128 2 - Numbers 129 0 - Flat 130 1 - 3D 131 Column 132 Column Configuration 133 Column Config 134 Column Config Properties 135 True 136 False 137 Right 138 Left 139 Center 140 (none) 141 0 142 #,##0 143 0.00 144 #,##0.00 145 $#,##0 146 $#,##0.00 147 MM/DD/YYYY 148 D MMMM YYYY 149 D MMMM 150 MMMM D, YYYY 151 DDDD, MMMM D, YYYY 152 h:mm p/m 153 h:mm:ss p/m 154 h:mm 155 h:mm:ss 156 MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss 157 Automatically configuring the Infragistics ComboBox will delete any existing columns. Are you sure you want to continue? 158 PVComboBox 159 You are not licensed to use the Infragistics ComboBox control in design mode. Please check to make sure you have the proper license file, or purchase a licensed copy of this control. \n \nTo order a licensed copy, contact ProtoView at (609) 655-5000 or info@protoview.com. \nFree demo copies of ProtoView controls are available at http://www.protoview.com 160 PVComboBox.chm 401 DataTable Contents 402 Page %d 9000 (Picture - %s) 9001 All Picture Types|*.bmp;*.cur;*.dib;*.emf;*.ico;*.wmf|Bitmaps (*.bmp;*.dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Icons/Cursors (*.ico;*.cur)|*.ico|Metafiles (*.wmf;*.emf)|*.emf;*.wmf|All files (*.*)|*.*|| 9002 Unknown 9003 None 9004 Bitmap 9005 Metafile 9006 Icon 9007 Color Property Page 9008 Colors 9009 Font Property Page 9010 Fonts 9011 Picture Property Page 9012 Pictures 9013 0 - None 9014 1 - Fixed Single 9015 (Font) 9016 (Color) 10007 Out of memory 10053 File not found 10057 Device I/O error 10064 Bad file name 10067 Too many files 10070 Permission denied 10075 Path/File access error 10076 Path not found 10380 Invalid property value 10381 Invalid property array index 10500 Property is read-only 10501 Property unavailable at design time 42504 Product is not installed properly (must be installed using its setup program). 42506 Version |1 of |2 - |3 not found. 42511 Version |1 of |2 - |3 update failed. 42512 This demo will expire after |1 usage day(s) or |2 calendar week(s), whichever comes first. 42513 The demo period for this product has expired. 42514 The non-activated usage period will expire after |1 usage day(s) or |2 calendar week(s), whichever comes first. You need to activate this product using the Product Activation Wizard. 42515 The non-activated usage period for this product has expired. You need to activate this product using the Product Activation Wizard. 42520 Property supports icons only 42521 Error starting Properties Editor:\n\n 42522 |1 not found. 42523 |1 [Error |2] 42524 Error saving control's properties. 42530 Object is in use and can not be removed from collection. 42531 One or more objects are in use and can not be removed from collection. 42550 Unlicensed Copy Notice 42551 Unlicensed Copy - For Demo Use Only 42552 The initialization process has determined that this product is currently unlicensed. Additional information: 42553 You may freely use this software for design time evaluation purposes only, subject to the terms and conditions of the license agreement. An executable created with this unlicensed copy will display a notification screen when run. 42554 To obtain a valid license:\n\n- Call 1-800-231-8588 or\n- Fax us at 1-609-655-5353 or\n- Send e-mail to sales@infragistics.com 42555 This program was created using an unlicensed (demo) copy of the above product. Please contact the author/vendor of the program. 42556 Non-Activated Copy Notice 42557 Non-Activated Copy - For Temporary Use Only 42558 The initialization process has determined that this product has not been activated. Additional information: 42559 You may freely use this software for design time purposes only, subject to the terms and conditions of the license agreement. 42560 To activate this product run the Product Activation Wizard from the Start Programs group.\n\nTo obtain support activating this product contact us at 1-609-655-5000 or Fax us at 1-609-655-5353 or\nvisit our web site at www.infragistics.com. 42561 \n\nTo obtain support activating this product contact us at 1-609-655-5000 or Fax us at 1-609-655-5353 or\nvisit our web site at www.infragistics.com. 42562 \nThis product must be re-installed before it can be activated. 42563 Non-Activated Copy - Requires Re-Install 42800 The Key value has to be a string 42801 Error accessing passed in object 42802 Specified key is invalid 42803 The Key value already exists 42804 Specified index is invalid 42805 This object is no longer active 42806 This collection is read-only. 42807 ImageList must be initialized before it can be used.