Font dictionaries contain font information the system learns during the interactive learning.
DonÆt confuse font dictionaries with (user) lexicons! Font dictionaries contain learnt character shapes, (user) lexicons are linguistic databases that assist the recognition.
When you recognize many documents of the same type, you may not want to repeat the same learning process every time. Store the learnt characters in a dictionary and use that information when you recognize documents of the same type.
Select or define a font dictionary.
DonÆt forget to set the appropriate dictionary mode: New Dictionary creates a new dictionary, you start without any previous knowledge. Append Dictionary uses the previously learnt font information and completes it. Read Dictionary uses the previously learnt font information but does not complete it further.
Tip: if you have only one page to be recognized, select the new mode. If you have many pages of the same type - pages with the same font and printing quality - select the new mode for the first page, the append mode for a few pages more and the read mode for the rest of your document(s).
Tip: with multipage documents, the dictionary mode ônewö is used for the first page and the ôappendö mode for the successive pages.