0 *** Do *NOT* Localize any string that starts with '***'. 1 *** They are comments to be used by localizers to identify sections. 2 *** They also mark the beginning of a new 'section' within the String Table. 3 10 Application Wizard 15 Application Wizard... 16 Toolbar Wizard 17 Toolbar Wizard... 1000 Introduction 1001 The Application Wizard will help you create a new _ 1002 Visual Basic Application. \n \n _ 1003 You can press Back at any time to change your selections. \n \n _ 1004 Please click Next to begin. 1010 The Toolbar Wizard will help you create a new Toolbar. \n \n _ 1011 You can press Back at any time to change your selections. \n \n _ 1012 Please click Next to begin. 2000 Interface Type 2001 What type of interface would you like for your application? 2002 &Multiple Document Interface (MDI) 2003 &Single Document Interface (SDI) 2004 &Explorer Style 2005 Hint! \nConsists of a main window which visually contains child windows. 2006 Hint! \nAll windows exist at the same level. 2007 Hint! \nSimilar to SDI with main form containing TreeView and ListView controls. 2100 Menus 2101 Select the Menus and Sub Menus you would like in your application? \n \nYou can always use the Menu Editor to modify the menus after the application is created. 2102 File 2103 Edit 2104 View 2105 Window 2106 Help 2107 &Menus 2108 &Sub Menus 2109 Add a Top Level Menu 2110 Add a Sub Menu Item 2111 Move the Selected Item Up 2112 Move the Selected Item Down 2113 Reset the Menu for the Current App Type 2114 Menu C&aption: 2116 Add Menu Item 2117 Delete the '' Menu and all it's Sub Menus? 2118 Delete the '' Sub Menu? 2119 Delete the selected Top Level Menu 2120 Delete the selected Sub Menu Item 2121 Add New Menu: 2122 Menu &Name: 2123 Menu &Separator 2200 Resources 2201 Resource files make it easy to distribute your product in multiple languages and can increase performance. \n \nThe resource file will be stored in memory by the Resource Editor Add-In until the project has been saved. Once saved, the .res file will appear in the project list under the Related Documents category. 2202 Would you like to use a Resource file for the strings in your application? 2203 &Yes 2204 N&o 2300 Data Access Forms 2301 Would you like to generate forms based upon tables and queries from your database(s)? 2302 Data Forms: 2303 &Create New Form... 2400 Customize Toolbar 2401 Customize the toolbar by moving the desired buttons to the list on the right. Change the order with the up/down arrows and add external images with the image button. You may also drag/drop from list to list. 2402 Move the Selected Button(s) to the Right 2403 Move the Selected Button to the Left 2404 Move All Buttons to the Left 2405 Move the Selected Button Up 2406 Move the Selected Button Down 2407 Load an External Bitmap or Icon 2408 &Reset 2409 Reset the Toolbar to the default configuration 2410 Toolbar Wizard 2411 Button Attributes 2412 &Tool Tip Text: 2413 Bitmap 2414 &Change Bitmap 2415 &Button Name: 2500 Standard Forms 2501 Would you like to include any of these standard forms in your application? 2503 &Splash screen at application start up 2504 &Login dialog to accept an ID and Password 2505 &Options dialog for custom settings 2506 &About Box 2507 To include any custom form templates, click here. 2508 Form &Templates... 2600 Internet Connectivity 2601 The wizard can provide you with a custom web Browser and can add a jump to your home page! 2602 &Yes 2603 N&o 2604 If you choose Yes, you can specify a default startup &URL for your web browser. \n(Example: http://www.microsoft.com) 2605 Note: These features require that your users already have an Internet provider! 2607 Do you want your users to be able to access the Internet from your application? 3000 Finished! 3001 &What name do you want for the application? 3002 The Application Wizard is finished collecting information. \n \n _ 3003 Press Finish to build your application. 3010 The Toolbar Wizard is finished collecting information. \n \n _ 3011 Press Finish to build your toolbar. 4000 Form Templates 4001 Select the templates to include in your application. You can select as many as you like. 4002 Form Templates 4003 &Select All 4004 C&lear All 4005 OK 4006 Cancel 4007 Help 4010 ABOUT DIALOG 4011 LOG IN DIALOG 4012 OPTIONS DIALOG 4013 SPLASH SCREEN 5000 Application Created 5001 The Application has been created. 5002 Don't show this dialog in the future. 5003 &OK 6000 Application Wizard Summary Report 7000 &File 7001 &Edit 7002 &View 7003 &Window 7004 &Help 7005 Status 7007 &Undo 7008 Cu&t 7009 &Copy 7010 &Paste 7011 Paste &Special... 7012 Select &All 7013 &Invert Selection 7014 &New 7015 &Open... 7016 &Close 7017 &Save 7018 Save &As... 7019 Save A&ll 7020 Propert&ies 7021 Page Set&up... 7022 Print Pre&view 7023 &Print... 7024 Sen&d... 7025 E&xit 7026 &Find 7027 Sen&d to 7028 &Delete 7029 Rena&me 7030 &Close 7031 &Data 7032 &Toolbar 7033 Status &Bar 7034 Lar&ge Icons 7035 S&mall Icons 7036 &List 7037 &Details 7038 Arrange &Icons 7039 by &Date 7040 by &Name 7041 by &Type 7042 by &Size 7043 Li&ne Up Icons 7044 &Refresh 7045 &Options... 7046 &Contents 7047 &Search For Help On... 7048 &About 7049 &New Window 7050 &Cascade 7051 Tile &Horizontal 7052 Tile &Vertical 7053 &Arrange Icons 7054 &Web Browser 7055 MRU List 7056 ListView Mode 7057 &Tools 7200 New 7201 Open 7202 Save 7203 Print 7204 Cut 7205 Copy 7206 Paste 7207 Bold 7208 Italic 7209 Underline 7210 Left Justify 7211 Center 7212 Right Justify 7213 Up One Level 7214 Delete 7215 Properties 7216 Large Icon View 7217 Small Icon View 7218 List View 7219 Details View 7220 Back 7221 Forward 7222 Stop 7223 Refresh 7224 Home 7225 Search 8000 Password Required 8001 &Enter database password: 8002 OK 8003 Cancel 8004 &Help 9000 About 9001 &System Info... 9002 OK 9003 Warning: ... 9004 Version 9005 Application Title 9006 App Description 9007 &Address: 9008 Login 9009 &User Name: 9010 &Password: 9011 Cancel 9012 Options 9013 Group 1 9014 Group 2 9015 Group 3 9016 Group 4 9017 Sample 1 9018 Sample 2 9019 Sample 3 9020 Sample 4 9021 &Apply 9022 Copyright 9023 Company 9024 Warning 9025 Platform 9026 CompanyProduct 9027 Product 9028 LicenseTo 9042 TreeView: 9043 ListView: 9044 try to navigate to the starting address 9045 this may produce an error if you delete the last 9046 record or the only record in the recordset 9047 this is really only needed for multi user apps 9048 This is where you would put error handling code 9049 If you want to ignore errors, comment out the next line 9050 If you want to trap them, add code here to handle them 9051 throw away the error 9052 This will display the current record position 9053 for dynasets and snapshots 9054 for the table object you must set the index property when 9055 the recordset gets created and use the following line 9056 This is where you put validation code 9057 This event gets called when the following actions occur 9058 this is the way to get data into an empty ole control 9059 and have it saved back to the table 9060 Login Failed so exit app 9061 ToDo: 9062 gsDatabase is a global string that needs 9063 to be set by the startup sub for the app 9064 gsRecordSource is a global string that needs 9065 to be set by the sub routine that loads this form 9086 Add '' button code. 9087 Add 'mnu_Click' code. 9088 Bitmap and Icon Files (*.bmp;*.ico)|*.bmp;*.ico 9089 Open Image File 10000 Incomplete Data. 10001 You must select a database before you can continue. 10003 The Application Name '' is invalid. 10004 An Error occured loading a Form Template: 10006 You must enter a Default URL before you can continue. 10007 '' already exists! 10008 Not a valid password. 10009 Some of the controls the wizard will use to create your application are being loaded for the first time, this may cause a delay of a few minutes. 10010 Failed to load the Data Form Wizard 10011 The Application Name '' is invalid or already exists. Please enter a valid Application Name. 10012 Menu already exists! 10013 The VB Resource Editor could not be loaded. Therefore, you will not be able to use a Resource file for the strings in your application. 10014 You do not have the proper license to load the VB 98 Application Wizard! You must have the Learning, Professional, or Enterprise edition of Visual Basic installed! 10015 The VB 98 Application Wizard requires a version 6.0 or newer version of Visual Basic. 10016 Invalid Button Name! 10017 This Wizard may only be loaded while designing a Form, User Document, User Control or Property Page. 10018 '' contains multiple toolbars, please select one before running this wizard. 10019 The Menu Name '' is invalid 20003 Continue? 20004 Application Wizard Instructions: 20005 Querys List 20006 Project1 21000 Access MDBs (*.mdb)|*.mdb|All Files (*.*)|*.* 21001 Access Database 21002 dBASE DBs (*.dbf)|*.dbf 21003 dBASE Database 21004 FoxPro DBs (*.dbf)|*.dbf 21005 FoxPro Database 21006 Paradox DBs (*.db)|*.db 21007 Paradox Database 22001 Separator 22002 Arc 22003 Back 22004 Bold 22005 Button 22006 Camera 22007 Center 22008 Copy 22009 Cut 22010 Double Underline 22011 Delete 22012 Disconnect Net Drive 22013 Drawing 22014 Ellipse 22015 Find 22016 Forward 22017 Freeform 22018 Help 22019 Help What's This 22020 Italic 22021 Justify 22022 Align Left 22023 Line 22024 Line Style 22025 Map Network Drive 22026 Macro 22027 New 22028 Open 22029 Paste 22030 Print 22031 Properties 22032 Rectangle 22033 Redo 22034 Align Right 22035 Save 22036 Small Caps 22037 Sort Ascending 22038 Sort Descending 22039 Spell Check 22040 Strike Through 22041 Sum 22042 Tab Center 22043 Tab Decimal 22044 Tab Left 22045 Tab Right 22046 Undo 22047 Underline 22048 Up One Level 22049 View Details 22050 View List 22051 View Large Icons 22052 View Small Icons 22053 Word Underline 23000 VB 6 Application Wizard 23001 Visual Basic 6 Application Wizard