100 SqueezX 201 Compressing... 202 From '%1' to '%2' 203 From '%1' 204 Remaining time: 205 Deleting... 206 Extracting... 207 Splitting... 208 To '%1' 250 Please select a folder. 251 There is not sufficient space on target drive. 252 Disk %lu 253 No access to file "%s". The source file may be in use by another application. 1001 Unknown error in the last archive operation. 1002 Not enough free memory. Please close one or more applications. 1003 This function is not supported. 1004 File could not be found. 1005 Access to file was denied. 1007 Disk or hard drive is full. 1008 Library cannot be loaded because it is the wrong version. 1009 Cancelled by user. 1010 Cannot access temp folder during a delete or update operation on a solid archive. 1011 Not enough space on drive for the temporary folder. 1012 This type of archive cannot delete files from self-extracting archives. 1013 This type of archive cannot add files to self-extracting archives. 1014 This type of archive cannot add files to archives. 1015 This type of archive cannot delete files from archives. 1016 This type of archive cannot extract files from archives. 1017 Cannot update encrypted solid archive with password. 1018 No matching files in request. 1019 Cannot update encrypted solid archive with password. 1020 This method of compression is not supported by the modules. 1021 Archive is encrypted with a password. 1022 Bad CRC. Archive is probably corrupted. 1023 The target file could not be created. 1024 Bad archive file format. 1025 Function is not supported by evaluation version. 1101 Invalid filename. 1102 Filename does not contain a file extension. 1103 This format of archive is not supported. 1104 Library, needed to open the archive, cannot be loaded. 1105 Cannot open file. It does not appear to be a valid archive. 1106 Archive does not contain files. 1107 Archive is not a LZH-archive or is damaged. 1108 Archive is not a ZIP-archive or is damaged. 1109 Archive is not an ARJ-archive or is damaged. 1110 Archive is not a ZOO-archive or is damaged. 1111 Archive is not a RAR-archive or is damaged. 1112 Archive is not an ARC-archive or is damaged. 1113 Archive is not a TAR-archive or is damaged. 1114 Archive it not a GZIP-archive or is damaged. 1115 Archive is not an UUE-archive or is damaged. 1116 Archive is not a CAB-archive or is damaged. 1117 Archive is not an ACE-archive or is damaged. 1121 Error while compressing. 1131 Error while extracting. 1141 Error while deleting. 1151 Archive was not initialized correctly.