Q. Should I uninstall Oxygen Phone Manager 1.* in order to check OPM II? A. Not at all. Previous version of OPM and OPM II don't interfere in any way. Q. All the phones in "My phones" tree are called as "Unknown". Why? A. This is the default alias for every connected phone. In order to discriminate between the several phones of the same model you can give a short description to each phone. To do that, go to the phone information window and enter the new alias. Q. LogoEditor toolbars are disappeared. Now I have only logo edit screen without any menus and buttons. A. It may happen after incorrect program exit. Please close Oxygen Phone Manager II and delete the registry section HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oxygen\Oxygen Phone Manager II\LogoEditor. After that run the program. All toolbars should be visible.