101 &About GSpot... 1000 Open a media file to find information about it 1001 A four-digit code that identifies the type of video codec 1002 Name of the video codec 1003 Name of the file being examined 1005 Size of the file being examined 1006 "Next File" (when multiple files have been loaded) 1007 Computed average bitrate of the video stream 1008 File's "stream type" - i.e. general file format, independent of the codecs used 1009 audio/video interleave period; "p" = initial audio "preload" 1010 Video frame rate in frames per second 1011 Duration if the video in hrs, mins, and seconds {%A} 1012 Frame size in pixels (width x height), and ratio of those two numbers 1013 Encoding method used by the audio stream 1014 Audio bitrate (total), bitrate per channel, and #of channels 1015 Audio sampling frequency 1017 Video Decoder selected by the DirectShow subsystem 1018 Length check & other general status - click for more info 1019 General status for this file (video); Click for more info 1020 Audio Decoder selected by the DirectShow subsystem 1021 General status for this file (audio); Click for more info 1022 DirectShow's name for the video media type to be decoded 1023 DirectShow's name for the overall source media type to be decoded 1024 Error/Status msg from "rendering" / Click for general info about the rendering 1025 Other "filters" DirectShow is using to help decode the media 1026 DirectShow's name for the audio media type to be decoded 1028 Interleaved Media Rate Ratio: secs of audio / secs of video (per interleave) 1131 Selects audio stream #1 for display, if applicable 1132 Selects audio stream #2 for display, if applicable 1133 Selects audio stream #3 for display, if applicable 32774 Comprehensive list of all known video codecs 32776 Video codecs currently installed on this machine 32777 When export mode is enabled, the requested data is sent to the export file(s) each time a new media file is processed. Multiple files can be pre-loaded at once using the regular File Open dialog or by dragging and dropping them on the GSpot app. This is called "batch mode".~~ In batch mode, the files may be processed one at a time by hitting the "next file" menu item or button, or the "+" key. Also provided is an option to process all remaining files "non-stop". This option is only available when exporting is active, as it makes little sense to use it otherwise. 32778 Examples of the various export file modes:~~ One file per AVI (same folder as the AVI): When the file c:\movies\memento.avi is examined, another file, c:\movies\memento.txt, will be created.~~ One file per AVI (specify folder): When the file c:\movies\memento.avi is examined, another file, c:\textfiles\memento.txt, will be created (assuming that c:\textfiles is the pathname you entered in the box here). Any path may be specified.~~ One file (specify filename): When the file c:\movies\memento.avi is examined, another line of data is appended to c:\spreadsheet\movies.csv (assuming that c:\spreadsheet\movies.csv is the path && filename you entered in the box here. Any path && filename may be specified. 32779 %@ File Name (without path)~%A File Name (full path)~%B File Size~%C File Status~%D Stream Type~%E Codec 4CC~%F Video Codec~%G Video Codec Status~%H Aspect Ratio~%I Video Bitrate~%J Video Frame Rate~%K Duration~%L Audio Codec~%M Audio Codec Status~%N AudioBitrate~%O Audio Sample Rate~%P DirectShow Source~%Q DirectShow Video Media~%R DirectShow Audio Media~%S DirectShow Splitter~%T DirectShow Video Codec~%U DirectShow Audio Codec~%V DirectShow Status~%W Interleave~%X IMRR . 32781 Example 1: Tab delimited, one line per movie (suitable for spreadsheet import):~~Format spec:~%a\t%k\t%f\r\n~~Typical result for above:~~Memento 1:53:00 DivX~~Example 2: Individual information lines with text labels (human friendly):~~Format spec:~Title: %a\r\nDuration: %k\r\n Codec: %f\r\n\r\n~~Typical result for above:~~Title: Memento~Duration: 1:53:00~Video Codec: DivX 32782 GSpot does not use "install/uninstall"~~ Should you ever want to completely uninstall GSpot from a system, just make sure the three items above are not checked, and then also press the "Delete GSpot Registry Entries" button.~~ Then just manually delete the three original GSpot distribution files. No other files are installed.