How can I save the AVI audio streams to WAV files ?
To save the first audio stream select AVI audio in the Audio menu, and No audio in the Audio2 menu (not necessary if your AVI file doesn't contain 2 audio streams). Then use File -> Save WAV.
To save the second audio stream select No audio in the Audio menu. This will automatically set Audio2 to No audio too, so select AVI audio again in the Audio2 menu. Then use File -> Save WAV.
Can I save the audio streams to files without WAV headers ?
Yes, just use Demux audio instead of Save WAV. If the stream type is said to be AC3 or MP3, the correspondant extension will be proposed when saving the file.
What is Show inputs in this new OGM menu ?
OGM files can contains various audio / text streams. Since VirtualDubMod only take into account the 2 first audio streams in general (i.e. for AVI files), OGM streams are handled in the Show inputs window.
The window will list all audio / text streams in the OGM. Note that the video stream isn't listed. As a consequence when opening an OGM file, the Audio and Audio2 doesn't handle any of the streams in the OGM file.
How do I add audio or subtitle streams to mux in my OGM file ?
Use the Add button in the OGM -> Show inputs window.
Can I change the order in which the streams will be muxed in the OGM file ?
Yes, just use the Move up / Move down buttons to change the order of the streams in the Show inputs window.
Note that if you use the Audio and Audio2 menu those audio streams will be muxed before.
I opened an OGM file containing a video and an audio stream in VirtualDubMod. I switched to DirectStream copy mode and used Save as AVI but the AVI file only contains video. Where is the audio ?
To handle them more properly, streams coming from an OGM file are only accessible in the OGM -> Show inputs window. As a consequence the Audio and Audio2 menu do not refer to any of the streams contained in your OGM file.
Those menu are however still effective (i.e. you can still open an audio file to be muxed) when saving to OGM.
Other consequences are that the File -> File information window won't show any information concerning the Audio and Audio2 streams, and that the File -> Preview mode won't play any audio.
I opened an OGM file containing a video and an audio stream in VirtualDubMod. But the File -> File information window doesn't show the ausio stream. Where is the audio ?
See previous question.
I opened an OGM file containing a video and an audio stream in VirtualDubMod. However when using the File -> Preview mode there is only video, no audio. Where is the audio ?
See previous question.
Can I extract streams from the OGM file ?
Yes. In the Show inputs window, select the stream you want to extract, and use the Save to WAV (add a WAV header if the stream is not a text or Vorbis stream) or Demux buttons.
I have a file containing chapters info for my clip. How can I add those information when aiming for an OGM file?
Chapters information must be used with the video stream so that players take them into account. You can access comments used for the video stream thanks to the OGM -> Video comments menu.
To automatically add the chapters information, use the Chapters button. You will have to select the file containing the information.
Recognized files are the ones generated by the following tools :
How do I use 'Open via AviSynth'?
This allows you to open any AVISynth compatible video file by automatically generating a suitable script by a selectable template. These templates go into the 'templates' directory in your VirtualDub directory. Template syntax is the same as for AVISynthesizer (I included readme_AVISynthesizer.txt because as of this writing the AVISynthesizer homepage is not available). You can choose the default template shown in the open dialog by starting the template description with "Default" (note that the template filename has nothing to do with this).
This function has no intelligence whatsoever! You're responsible to choose the right template for the file (eg a SegmentedAVISource template for multi-segment avis or giving the right fps to DirectShowSource)
For this to work flawlessly you need AVISynth 2.05 and a correctly set plugin directory. (Create a registry key called "PluginDir" in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Avisynth\)
A workaround if you don't want to do this is adding the needed LoadPlugin lines into the templates.