Downloads: 14,404 Publisher: VR interactive (VRi) Inc. Date added: July 2, 2001 File size: 5.59MB; Clock this download  License: Free Minimum requirements: Pentium-333, Windows 95/98/NT/2000 Uninstaller included?: No Description From the developer: "Create your own photo-realistic virtual quickly and inexpensively. This free software unwarps 360-degree photos captured with the SurroundPhoto Reflector. Within seconds, the warped original photo is converted into a panoramic photo that can be saved, printed or exported as a QuickTime VR navigable scene. Users can preview and save unlimited numbers of watermarked QTVR scenes at no cost. You pay a low on-line fee for image processing ($6.99 US per VR scene). You can save and view all of the scenes you capture, which are watermarked. Only pay for the ones you like, which can then be saved with no watermark."