Filing a useful bug report: There's a few simple things you can do to help us deal with your bug report more effectively. Before reporting, check any recent bug reports on the ZSNES boards, read the readme about unsupported chips, and the bug tracker at First, We need version and port. It isn't helpful for us to test a game that's "broken" if you are using 1.17b, and don't tell us that fact, because we may have fixed it in 1.20 or later. Also, report whether you are using ZSNESW, ZSNES linux, or ZSNES DOS. Rarely, a problem is port specific, but reporting the port used up front makes it much easier to get a person with the proper port to test. Second, a detailed name of the game is helpful. It is common for a game to act different in different regions. By explaining you're using a Us, European, or Japanese version, you make testing signifcantly easier, because we can test the exact game, rather than picking which "Puzzle Bobble" you mean. Third, describe the problem in detail. Is it an emulation bug? If not, can you reproduce it? If it is an emulation bug, investigate. Does the game lock up? Or does the sound fail? Are the graphics wrong? Provide details. Toggle the backgrounds or sound channels, and see if you can find anything, like background 3 is corrupt, or if offset-per-tile is messed up. Does the old gfx engine act the same? Is a particular sound channel sticking on? When the game starts, does ZSNES say "OK" in the checksum field? Finally, do other emulators run the game correctly? If you have any additional information, like when the game may have quit working, or when another emulator ran it, or a game that acts the same. Thanks. System specs are also nice, but less essential.