Sambar Server Documentation
Mail Routing Rules
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Overview The WebMail interface provides a mechanism that allows users to automatically route mail messages to folders or CGI scripts as well as forward and delete mail messages. Routing rules allow wild-card pattern matching based on Subject, To, From, Cc mail headers. The CGI script execution follows the same mechanism as POST scripts executed from an HTTP server. The CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable is set indicating the mail message content length that is passed to the script via stdin. In addition, there are several other environment variables set that correspond with the mail message: MBOX, TO, FROM, CC, MIME, REPLYTO, SUBJECT. The following perl script demonstrates how to process a mail message. Note: The original mail file found in mail/mbox/spool is passed to the the CGI script in the SPOOLNAME environment variable.
The following example illustrates a simple Router CGI Script that logs the spool file to a temporary file and then deletes the spool file. Important! This will result in no mail being delivered to either internal or external users (due to the unlink() call).
# Perl-based Mailbox Router CGI
# Copyright 2002 Tod Sambar
# All rights reserved.
my $spoolname = $ENV{'SPOOLNAME'};
# Log the spool file name
$filename = "router.tmp";
open(FILE, ">>$filename") || exit(1);
binmode FILE;
print FILE "SPOOLNAME ".$spoolname."\n";
close FILE;
# DELETE the mail message (no delivery to any user)