Overview The Sambar JavaEngine is a
servlet engine that implements the Java Servlet API (JSDK 2.2).
Support for Java Servlet Pages (JSP) is available via the Apache
Jasper package which is now included in the server distribution.
Support for SOAP is in development.
Support for Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) is not planned at this
time. Servlets are web server extensions written in Java.
The Sambar Server Pro version allows unrestricted use of
the JavaEngine; the free server includes single user servlet support. The
remainder of this section assumes the reader is familiar with Java
programming and servlet development in particular.
The following are prerequisites for running the Sambar JavaEngine:
- Download and Install the Java2 Runtime Environment (Version 1.2.1 or
1.3) from Sun Micrososystems.
If using Java 1.4 or later, the Java2 SDK is required.
- Configure your PATH environment variable to include the
jre/bin directory (java.dll is used).
For 1.2 and 1.3 JREs, you must include the
jre/bin/classic directory (jvm.dll is used) in the PATH.
For 1.4 and later SDKs, you must include the
jre/bin/server or jre/bin/hotspot (jvm.dll is used)
in the PATH.
- Configure your CLASSPATH environment variable to include the
jre/lib directory and jre/lib/rt.jar file.
Note: See Setting CLASSPATH for details.
Note: For JSP support, the jdk/lib/tools.jar
directory must also be appended to the CLASSPATH.
- Configure Enable JavaEngine to true in the Sambar
Server config.ini file
Important: If you are running the Sambar Server as a service,
the PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables should be configured as
System Variables. Kevin Gillespie provides the following
configuration help:
- Login with administrator rights.
- Right click on the My Computer Icon on your desktop
- Click on Properties
- Choose the Environment Tab
- Highlight (click on) any variable under the system variable
heading. Note: this will NOT change the highlighted variable,
it will ADD a NEW variable.
- At the bottom of the Environment page you will see the settings
for the variable you highlighted in the system variables box
- Highlight the variable box and type classpath
- Highlight the value box and type the location of your jre\lib
directory (i.e. c:\jre\lib\)
- Click the SET button
- Click the APPLY button
- Click the OK button
- Classpath should now be set as a system variable, to check this,
exit the properties window and repeat steps 2,3, and 4 you should now
see classpath in the system variables box. Note: you might
have to reboot your system for these settings to take effect.
After completing the above steps, the Sambar Server load the Java VM
engine at startup. IMPORTANT!!! The bin/serverd.exe is
a WIN32 console application that may be useful in diagnosing Java and/or
CLASSPATH mis-configurations should the Sambar Server fail to start.
To run this applicant, open a DOS shell and CD to the Sambar Server
installation directory. Then execute the serverd shell wrapper
for the Sambar Server by typing: bin/serverd .
You can verify that the JavaEngine is enabled is enabled from the
System Administration forms. The left-hand side of the administration
form contains the status of all Sambar Server Services. One common
mistake when configuring the Sambar Server for Java servlet or JSP
support is to fail to enable the JavaEngine.
The Basics The /servlets directory is where you put
your servlets during development and deployment. All servlets found in
this directory are dynamically reloaded if they are changed.
Important: If you want to dynamically class reloading DO NOT put
the Sambar /servlets directory in your CLASSPATH.
A servlet is loaded once when it is called. The servlet is not loaded
again until it changes. The servlet stays resident in memory allowing
static or persistent information to be shared across multiple invocations
of the servlet. The determination that a servlet has changed is based on
the date of the .class file of the servlet; the date of the supporting
class files does not have any affect on the reloading of the servlet. You
can force a reload of your servlet's supporting classes (if the supporting
classes are also in the Sambar /servlets directory) by modifying
the timestamp of the servlet class file (i.e. recompile the servlet .java
Servlet Aliases
By default, the /servlet/ URL element is used to indicate
that the request references a servlet. It is sometimes desireable
to reference the servlet directly, without the /servlet/
descriptor. The following example illustrates how to alias the
Hello.java servlet using the config/mappings.ini file.
/Hello = Hello
/snoop-it = sysadmin.Snoop
By default, accessing the /servlets/Hello.java servlet
required the URL http://localhost/servlet/Hello , whereas
with the alias, the servlet can be directly accessed via
http://localhost/Hello .
Apache/Jasper Support
The Apache/Jasper package is included with the Sambar Server JavaEngine.
Simply configure your CLASSPATH environment variable to include the
tools.jar file from the Sun JSDK and modify the
config/mappings.ini file to add the following entry:
*.jsp = org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
The server must be restarted after making these modifications.
Important! The JSP scratch directory maps to the "Tmp Directory"
of the virtual host making the request. To avoid nameing conflicts,
configure each virtual-host entry with it's own unique "Tmp Directory".
Architecture The JavaEngine is an in-process
implementation. If the Enable JavaEngine is set to true in
the config.ini file, the Sambar Server will dynamically load the
bin/sambarje.dll module file at startup and launch the Java VM. The
Sambar JavaEngine loads the lib/servlets.jar and
lib/javaeng.jar at initialization; these packages contain the Sun
Java Servlet reference APIs and Sambar Servlet implementation respectively
(Note: Source code to the Sambar Servlet implementation is included in the
lib/javaeng.jar file. To un-jar this file and view the code use:
jar -xvf javaeng.jar ).
By running Java servlets in-process, the Sambar Server can pass a
native server thread directly to the JavaVM to continue running the
servlet request. This results in a significantly faster servlet
implementation, but also subjects the Sambar Server to memory leaks and
other process vulnerabilities of the Java VM.
Important! A bug in the Java 1.2 VM prevents the VM from
unloading. As a result, the only way to reload Java system classes (those
found in your CLASSPATH) is to stop and then start the Sambar Server. The
Sambar Server restart mechanism is not able to unload the Java VM.
CLASSPATH The class path tells Java VM where to find
third-party and user-defined classes. The Sambar Server passes the
CLASSPATH environment settings to the JavaVM when it is initialized. In
addition, all .jar and .zip files found in the Sambar Server
lib directory are appended to the CLASSPATH environment variable
(by default, this is the location of the javaeng.jar file.)
The class path should be set by setting the CLASSPATH environment
C:> set CLASSPATH=path1;path2...
Each path ends with a filename or directory
depending on what you are setting the classpath to:
- For a .zip or .jar file that contains .class files, the path ends
with the name of the .zip or .jar file.
- For .class files in an unnamed package, the path ends with the
directory that contains the .class files.
- For .class files in a named package, the path ends with the
directory that contains the "root" package (the first package in the
full package name).
Multiple entries are separated by
semi-colons. With the set command, it's important to omit
spaces from around the equals sign (=).
If your CLASSPATH environment variable has been set to a value
that is not correct, or if your startup file or script is setting an
incorrect path, you can unset CLASSPATH by using:
This command unsets CLASSPATH for the current command prompt window
only. You should also delete or modify your startup settings to ensure
that you have the right CLASSPATH settings in future sessions.
If the CLASSPATH variable is set at system startup, the place to look
for it depends on your operating system:
- Windows 95/98 Examine autoexec.bat for the set
- Windows NT Open the Control Panel, select System, click the
Environment tab and, in the User Variables section, examine the
CLASSPATH variable.
[javaeng] |
Verbose = |
true | false |
Boolean indicating whether Java servlet actions should be traced
to the server.log file. Note: When verbose is enabled,
numerous errors (i.e. JNI local ref creation exceeded
capacity ) are written to the server.log; these do not
appear to have a material impact on the server. |
Servlet Extension = |
/servlet/ |
The default URL alias that is used to indicate that the request
is a Servlet. |
Servlets Directory = |
/servlets |
The location of the servlets to be executed. |
Preload GenericServlet = |
servlet-name |
If specified, the servlet that should be loaded at server
startup. This must be a GenericServlet. A sample can be found in
/servlets/Preload.java |
[properties] |
traceServlets = |
true | false |
Boolean indicating whether Java servlet execution should be
traced to the server.log file. |
sessionTimeout = |
180000 |
The amount of time, in seconds, that idle sessions should be
cached before being automatically logged out. |
sessionCheckFrequency = |
5000 |
The duration, in seconds, between checks of the session cache
for idle/expired sessions. |
JSPTrace = |
warning |
The JSP trace level: debug | informational | warning |
error | fatal |
JSPLog = |
path |
The complete path to the JSP log for trace messages. If left
blank, all trace information is output to stderr
(you will need to use bin/serverd.exe to see messages).
[initParameters] |
compiler = |
builtin-javac |
The compiler option for use with Java Server Pages. |
Additional user-defined properties can be specified by adding entries
to the [properties] section of the javaeng.ini file. The
properties can be retrieved using the System.getProperty() method.
Servlets Servlets are loaded and initialized when the
servlet is first run. Upon shutdown of the Sambar Server the server
removes the servlet. In addition, all servlets are removed when the
server's class loader is re-initialized; the class loader is
re-initialized any time a servlet is reloaded due to a code modification.
When the server loads a servlet, it runs the servlet's
init method. The server calls the init method
once when the server loads the servlet, and will not call this method
again unless the server is reloading the servlet. The server will not
reload a servlet until after the server has destroyed the servlet by
calling the destroy method.
Is the Sambar Server J2EE compliant ?
No. The J2EE specification includes not only Java Server Pages and
servlets, but Enterprise Java Beans and related specifications such
as Java Messaging Service.
To be certified as a J2EE-compliant server, a platform must support
all of the J2EE technologies, including EJB. To become J2EE-certified,
products must pass Sun Microsystems' Certification Test Suite.
Sambar Technologies has no plans to implement Enterprise Java Beans;
SOAP and/or XML-RPC (which are being developed) appear to be
significantly better solutions for the problems that EJBs attempt
to address.
Tag Library Support
The Sambar Server JavaEngine supports tag libraries and configuration
via the config/web.xml file. The following is an example
config/web.xml file which specifies a simple tag library element:
web.xml file used to specify various JSP configuration information.