paris galerie louvre
Finds documents containing as many of these words and phrases as possible, ranked so that documents with the most matches are presented first.
Lower-case search will find matches of capitalized words also. For example, paris will find matches for paris, Paris, and PARIS.

noir +film -pinot
Matches may be required, optional, or prohibited. Precede a required word or phrase with + and a prohibited one with -. This query finds documents containing film and noir, but not containing pinot.

These boolean operators are used to determine if a statement is true or false. The following chart illustrates the usage samples:

Searching...Results in...
cable + carDocuments with both words.
cable carDocuments with either words. This results in the greatest amount of matches
cable -carDocuments about cable, but not about cable cars.

Ranking Simple Queries

The Sambar Search engine ranks the results based on a scoring algorithm; documents with a higher score appear at the head of the ranking list. A document has a higher score if the following hold:

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