
Want to stop hackers - for good? Shut down your computer - easy.

SecureIt Pro's Termination feature can terminate Windows when a specified number of incorrect password attempts has been detected. This is useful for stopping malicious users from continuously attempting to hack into your computer - if it's turned off, what can they do?

To enable the termination feature, check the Enable Windows Termination checkbox. Then, enter the number of incorrect password attempts SecureIt Pro should wait for before terminating Windows. Then select the termination type - force, log off, reboot, or shutdown.

Users please note: When SecureIt Pro terminates Windows after a specific number of incorrect password attempts, the computer may be powered back up. If SecureIt Pro is not set to start with Windows, then the malicious user may be able to evade SecureIt Pro's security this way. It is recommended that Termination be used in conjunction with the Startup feature, or with Cold Boot Detection. Upon termination of Windows by SecureIt Pro, Cold Boot Detection will see this as a 'cold boot', and will start SecureIt Pro back up after the computer is turned back on.