Welcome to Proxomitron Naoko 4! If you're new to the program, this page will help you get the ball rolling (if you like rolling balls, that is).
After installing, you'll also need to change your browsers proxy settings before it'll do anything besides look vaguely disorienting. This is pretty easy to do though - read on to find out how.
First, a word of caution: Use Proxomitron At Your Own Risk!
I've tried to make Proxomitron a safe and useful program, but I can make no guarantees. It's provided solely "AS IS" - Please read the user license for details.
If you're not too sure what the heck this thing does, please read this short introduction.
If you've decided Proxomitron is worth a try, next go on to read "Installation and Eradication" - especially the bits about how to set your browser's proxy to use Proxomitron. This is very important - otherwise the program won't do diddly (though it may, in fact, do squat).
Also keep in mind Proxomitron by default runs as an icon in your system tray (usually at the bottom right of your screen). This is where you go to configure the program.
That should get you started. You can read the full help file at any time by selecting the "Help" option from Proxomitron's main window or pressing F1 on any dialog box.
I hope you enjoy this little program of mine...
Scott R. Lemmon