- Open
all favorites
In each favorite menu there is a open
all links item, you can use it to open all links in that folder.
- Most
Favorite links
You can mark a link as your most favorite
in favorite bar, those links will have a red icon.
- Most
Favorite Folders
You can mark a favorite folder as most
- Open
Most favorites
In each favorite menu there is a open most favorite links item, you can use
it to open most favorite links
in that folder.
- Use
single column Menu
By default MyIE2 display favorites in
multiple columns, but if you have many favorites it may not be displayed on
your screen, so you can select using single column menu.
- Favorite
All favorite folders can be displayed on a toolbar, you can select them easily.
- Add
Link Here
In Favorites Menu I add a new item: Add
link here. You can add current window's address to that favorites folder directly.
Change Orders of Favorites
You can change Order of Favorites easily by dragging the Favorite
page or folder on the Favorites Bar.
Manage Favorite page by right mouse
You can rename, delete, duplicate and open a favorite page
by using right mouse menu.