- Start
You can set a start folder in Favorites,
start folder will be displayed in bold font. It can be used in MyIE2 startup
mode to open all links in that folder when start MyIE2.
Open Start folder
Some most favorite URL can be collected in Start Folder, it
is convenient for you to open all of them simultaneously.
You needn't to input a complete URL just
input an alias of that URL, MyIE2 can translate it into a real URL. You should
set the aliases first.
You can define a URL to a Shortcut key.
Now you can use F2-F12 as URL shortcuts.
3721 Chinese URL
You can use 3721 Chinese URL if "Use 3721 Chinese URL"
menu under Options Menu is checked. Without any client software, once when
you want to access, you can write "╡τ─╘▒¿" directly
in address bar.
- Groups
It's compatible with Netcaptor's Groups.
You can copy Netcaptor's *.cgp files to MyIE2's groups folder. Double click
a URL in group can open it.
- Save
as group
save all opened windows' URL as a new
- Fill
Use Alt-Q to fill current form, but you
should use Alt-1 to save a sample of that form first. You also can Alt-2 to
save form as a general form. When filling form and MyIE2 can't find corresponding
samples it will use the data in general form. This function isn't suitable
for shared computers.
- Quick
You can input eyahoo keyword to search
that keyword by yahoo. Use Set Quick Search dialog to set those search engines.
- Status
bar buttons
There are four buttons on status bar,
they are work offline, auto filter, activate new window, simple collector.
- Simple
It can store text you drop on it and save images to default image folder.
You also can drop them on status bar buttons.