Version 5.0
PKZIP provides the most complete set of data compression programs available.
PKZIP has led the way in industry standard .ZIP format compression since 1989,
when PKWARE introduced the .ZIP file format. The features included in the software
may vary depending on what you have purchased.
PKZIP is compatible with Windows NT, 98, 2000, ME, and XP.
Systems running Windows NT require Microsoft
Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater for full utilization of PKZIP functionality.
The complete PKZIP is comprised of these applications:
PKZIP - PKWARE's award winning
compression program for Windows.
PKZIP Explorer - A stream-lined version
of PKZIP integrated into Windows Explorer.
PKZIP Attachments - An add-on to
PKZIP Explorer to compress email attachments with
Outlook 2000 or newer.
PKZIP Plug-In - A web browser Plug-In
to easily manage archives you download from the Internet.
PKZIP Command Line - A feature-rich
command line version to meet the demanding needs of power users.
Copyright © 2000-2002 PKWARE, Inc. All Rights Reserved
PKWARE, the PKWARE logo, the "Zipper Design", PKZIP, PKUNZIP,
PKSFX, PKLITE, PKLITE Professional and PKWARE Data Compression Library
are registered trademarks of PKWARE, Inc. PKZFIND, PKZOOM, Deflate64, EasySFX,
AutoSFX, RegularSFX and ZIP2EXE are trademarks
of PKWARE, Inc. Microsoft, Outlook, Windows and Windows NT are registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Trademarks of other
companies mentioned in this documentation appear for identification purposes
only and are property of their respective companies.