Hyena Purchase, Support, and Contact Information


Trial versions of Hyena are available for use for 30-days from the date of installation. The registration dialog (displayed each time that a non-registered copy of Hyena is run) will show how many days remain within the trial period. After the 30-day trial is completed, continued use of Hyena requires registration. For specific warranty, disclaimer, and specific licensing information, see the license.txt file included with the Hyena distribution package.

Hyena is licensed only to the user actually using the software, regardless of the number of end-users, domains, or servers actually managed. Hyena is sold in single and multiple-license packs under Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition licenses.  Each administrator that uses Hyena requires a separate license. Once licensed, an administrator can use Hyena from their local workstation, on a server, through a dialup connection, or from any workstation via network access. Concurrent-use licensing is not permitted, due to the difficulty of compliance and usage tracking.

Standard vs. Enterprise Licenses

The Hyena Enterprise Edition license includes all of the software components found in the Standard Edition, plus:

Microsoft Exchange User (mailbox) integration - The Hyena Enterprise Edition includes direct integration into Exchange.  Supported operations include creating, deleting, and modification of mailbox (recipient) information.   Hyena's custom Exchange interface supports creating new mailboxes for existing users, using template accounts for mailbox creation, and modification and removal of multiple mailboxes associated with the same user account.

Hyena's Exchange integration uses tabbed dialog boxes for all administrative functions.  Hyena does not use any clumsy batch import or text files for its Exchange functionality.  For more information on how to configure Hyena for Exchange, see the Exchange Setup section in the Users section of the Using Hyena - Objects topic in Hyena's Help file.

Access to Windows Terminal Server/Citrix User Settings - The Enterprise Edition also includes support for modification of Terminal Server/Citrix user properties, including profile and home directory settings and specific user configuration settings.  Hyena fully supports automatic creation of home directory and home directory shares, including setup of security information, for terminal server home directories.  For more information on how to configure Hyena for this functionality, see the User Terminal Server Settings section in the Users section of the Using Hyena - Objects topic in Hyena's Help file.

The Enterprise Edition features of Hyena are all fully functional for the first 30 days after installation.


Hyena offers a number of pricing and licensing options, as follows (all prices are in US dollars):

License Type

Standard Edition
Licensing Costs

Enterprise Edition 
Licensing Costs

Single license   

$ 199.00

$ 269.00

3 License Pack   

$ 449.00

$ 609.00

5 License Pack   

$ 649.00

$ 879.00

10 License Pack   

$ 1,199.00

$ 1,619.00

25 License Pack   

$ 2,799.00

$ 3,779.00

50 License Pack   

$ 4,999.00

$ 6,749.00

100 License Pack   

$ 8,999.00

$ 12,149.00

Any licensing level of the Standard Edition can be upgraded to any licensing level of the Enterprise Edition by simply paying the difference in price.  For example, 5 licenses from a 10-pack Standard Edition license can be upgraded to the Enterprise Edition for  $ 230.00 ($879-649).  

Also, if a licensing level is desired that does not fall within one of the pre-defined levels (packs), additional incremental licenses can be purchased for the average single license cost of the largest current licensing level.  For example, if your company first purchased a 5-license pack for $649, then upgraded to a 10-license pack for $550 ($1,199 - $649 = $550), and now wants to purchase an additional 3 licenses, the price would be $120.00 per additional license ($1,199/10).

If you have any questions about Hyena's pricing or licensing, please contact us.

Upon receipt of payment, an access key can be mailed (postal or electronically) to you. The access key that you receive will permit indefinite use of the registered version for Windows NT 3.51/4.0 and Windows 2000; there are NOT any annual support or subscription fees being charged at this time. For other shipping options, see the Shipping topic below. All Hyena upgrades and patches can be obtained from http://www.systemtools.com/hyena.

Additional licenses must be registered and paid for at the current market price. Additional license costs are calculated as being the difference between the cost of the new license, less the current cost of the current license level.

Software Maintenance

An optional annual maintenance program is available for all Hyena licenses.  For information and pricing about Hyena's maintenance program, visit http://www.systemtools.com/hyena/maint.htm . All Hyena license purchases automatically have sixty (60) days of free software maintenance; an additional one or two years of maintenance can be purchased.  See http://www.systemtools.com/hyena/maint.htm for more details.

License Upgrades

Information on upgrade charges and procedures for upgrading Hyena from a previous release can be found at http://www.systemtools.com/hyena/upgrade.htm.

Shipping Options

Our preferred method of distributing Hyena is to offer the program for downloading from several download sites around the world.  Our central downloading location can be reached at http://www.systemtools.com.   After purchasing, the licensing information provided can be entered into Hyena's registration dialog, turning the evaluation copy of Hyena into a licensed version.  In fact, any copy of Hyena distributed on CD-ROM is exactly the same software available for downloading.

If you elect to have Hyena shipped on CD-ROM, there is a shipping and media charge of $20.00 for US-based shipments, and $30 for shipments outside of the US.  Shipment in the US is by Federal Express 2nd day; shipments outside of the US use whichever shipping method is most cost effective and available in the applicable country.  The material shipped includes Hyena on CD-ROM, a printed license certificate, and a brief Getting Started Guide.

How to Purchase

To purchase any Hyena license level using either a credit card (MasterCard, VISA, American Express) or a company purchase order, you can do any one of the following:

Note: Your credit card will be processed under the name "SystemTools"

Please do not attempt to send faxes to our toll-free number !

This order form can be printed, filled out, and mailed or faxed to the address below. For online and other purchasing options see the How To Order section. To print just the order form portion of this page, select (highlight) the order form below prior to selecting the Print option on the menu/toolbar.

Hyena Order Form

SystemTools Software Inc.
P.O. Box 1209
La Vernia, TX 78121
Fax: (830) 779-2191






How did you find out about Hyena ? (check all that apply)

_____ Web Advertisement.  Site Name___________________________________

_____ Printed Advertisement. Publication Name____________________________

_____ Magazine Article. Publication _____________________________________

_____ Software Library. Library Name__________________________________

_____ Web search _____ Friend / Associate _____ Other ____________________

License Selection.  Note: All costs are in US Dollars.

Part No

License Type

Cost (USD)

" "


Standard Edition Single Administrator

$   199



Standard Edition 3-Administrator Pack

$   449



Standard Edition 5-Administrator Pack

$   649



Standard Edition 10-Administrator Pack




Standard Edition 25-Administrator Pack




Standard Edition 50-Administrator Pack




Standard Edition 100-Administrator Pack




Enterprise Edition Single Administrator

$   269



Enterprise Edition 3-Administrator Pack

$   609



Enterprise Edition 5-Administrator Pack

$   879



Enterprise Edition 10-Administrator Pack




Enterprise Edition 25-Administrator Pack




Enterprise Edition 50-Administrator Pack




Enterprise Edition 100-Administrator Pack




Hyena Maintenance (1 year)

25% of list price



Hyena Maintenance (2 year)

40% of list price



Other/Upgrade (contact us for pricing)



Texas residents only:
Please add 7 1/4% Texas sales tax:              $__________
(if you are tax-exempt, please provide tax-exempt certificate)

Shipping Options (Select one or more options)
Note: Shipment includes the latest version of Hyena on CD and License certificate only.

No shipping required. Send only registration key via email to:


Ship to: _____________________________________


Shipping and Media Charges (if shipping desired).  

If Hyena is purchased electronically, these shipping charges will not apply.

$ 20.00 - U.S. Only - FedEx 2nd Day        $__________
$ 40.00 - Outside of the U.S. - FedEx       $__________

Also send registration key via email to:
(in addition to shipping)


Total License, Tax, and Shipping Cost        $__________

Payment Method

_____ Check/Money Order - Please make payable to "SystemTools Software Inc."

_____ Company Purchase Order. Purchase Order No: __________________

Note: Please attach / fax copy of company purchase order with this order form.  
Our Fax Number is 1-830-779-2191

Billing Address (if not on PO):_________________________________________

_____ Credit Card (circle one):  Mastercard   VISA    American Express 

Card Number ___________________________

Expiration Date (Month/Year) _______________

Card Owner's Name______________________

Card Owner's / Authorized User's Signature _______________________________

This order form can be sent to:

Email: Sales@systemtools.com
  SystemTools Software Inc.   P.O. Box 1209 La Vernia, TX 78121

Thank you for your purchase of Hyena !!

Support and Suggestions

Technical support, questions, wishes, and problem reporting can be directed to support@systemtools.com, or by contacting us at any of the contact points listed below.  Please try to be as specific as possible in describing the nature of the problem or issue. If applicable, include captured screen images in when sending email; please compress any submitted .bmp files in zip-compatible compression format.

For online support options, see our OnLine Help and Support options.

Contact Information

If you have questions concerning pricing and licensing information about Hyena, please review the pricing and licensing information, or give us a call !

You can reach us at any of the following addresses:

Sales: Sales@systemtools.com

Support: Support@systemtools.com

Telephone: 1-877-797-8665 (1-877-SYS-TOOL) or 1-830-779-2349

Fax: (830) 779-2191

SystemTools Software Inc.
P.O. Box 1209
La Vernia, TX 78121

Web: http://www.systemtools.com

Please do not attempt to send faxes to our toll-free number !