Release Notes for Windows Media Encoder

September 2002

This documentation provides late-breaking or other information that supplements the documentation for Microsoft® Windows Media™ Encoder.


Minimum system requirements

The following table lists required and recommended configurations when using Windows Media Encoder.

Encoding task Minimum configuration Recommended configuration
Convert a file 266 megahertz (MHz) processor, such as an Intel Pentium with MMX

Microsoft Windows® XP or Windows 2000

64 megabytes (MB) of RAM

500 MHz processor or higher, such as a Pentium III

Windows XP

128 MB of RAM or more

Capture and broadcast of audio files 266 MHz processor, such as a Pentium with MMX

Windows XP or Windows 2000

64 MB of RAM

Supported audio capture device

866 MHz processor or higher, such as a Pentium II or Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) processor

Windows XP

128 MB of RAM or more

Supported audio and video capture device

Capture and broadcast of audio and video files for dial-up modem and mid-bandwidth audiences using the Windows Media Audio 9 and Windows Media Video 7 codecs Single stream and multiple-bit-rate content for 28.8 kilobits per second (Kbps) and 56 Kbps modems:

300 MHz processor, such as a Pentium II or AMD processor

Windows XP or Windows 2000

64 MB of RAM

Supported audio and video capture device

Single stream and multiple-bit-rate content for 100 Kbps through 500 Kbps:

866 MHz processor or higher, such as a Pentium II or AMD processor

Windows XP

256 MB of RAM

Supported audio and video capture device

Capture and broadcast of audio and video files for dial-up modem and mid-bandwidth audiences using Windows Media Audio and Video 9 Series codecs Single stream content for 28.8 Kbps and 56 Kbps modems:

1.5 gigahertz (GHz) processor, such as a Pentium IV or dual AMD 1900

Windows XP or Windows 2000

64 MB of RAM

Supported audio and video capture device

Single stream and multiple-bit-rate content for 100 Kbps through 500 Kbps:

1 GHz dual processor or higher, such as a Pentium III or IV or dual AMD 1900

Windows XP

256 MB of RAM

Supported audio and video capture device

Capture and broadcast of audio and video for high bandwidth using Windows Media Audio and Video 9 Series codecs Use recommended configuration Single stream and multiple-bit-rate content for 500 Kbps through 2 megabits (Mbps) or more:

2 GHz dual processor or higher, such as a Pentium IV or dual AMD 1900

Windows XP

256 MB of RAM or more

Supported audio and video capture devices

For a list of supported audio and video capture cards, see the hardware providers page at the Microsoft Web site.

Known issues

Legal notice

These notes support a preliminary release of a software program that bears the project code named Windows Media Encoder.

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