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The company Martin Hanzal-SODAT, which was the predecessor of today's SODAT software Ltd., has been on our market since 1993. From the beginning the company's activities were oriented in the area of development and later in distributing security software tools, mainly intended to help the system manager in his duties. The purpose of establishing the company was the fact that with the spread of compute technology it is necessary to maintain data and already installed software on individual disks in certain order. For this purpose the first version of security systems were developed. Their purpose was to prevent possible problems which may arise due to unintentional, unprofessional, or by an intentional act by an operator. The first security system version working under MS-DOS was already preventing the free use of diskettes, saving, deleting, or modification of individual parts of the hard disk. System managers of computer classrooms at schools were the first successfully using SODAT security systems. They were able to prevent many problems and thus save themselves substantial time. Up to the present day SODAT security systems are being used by approximately 600 educational institutions.. It was here where thorough testing of individual parts of SODAT's security systems were tested, especially installation and illegal deactivation by a user. SODAT's security system concept was substantially changed with the introduction of 32-bit operating systems. At that time the OA-Sodat 32 security system version 4.0 was developed and fully supported the 32-bit environment. With the use of the OA-Sodat 32 security system the system managers can effectively protect settings for WINDOWS 95, 98, where they have the possibility to disallow access to individual control panels by a common user or to implement a complete security registration database which ensures that after each restart the pre-defined WINDOWS settings are set.

The turning point in development happened in January of 1997 when a new company was established, SODAT software Ltd. Two companies were merged, Martin Hanzal-SODAT and Ing. Tomáš Stranyánek-MOTY. Both owners are SODAT software Ltd. executives, each with 50% of the company shares. The development department, under the management of Martin Hanzal, is responsible for technical support and development of new security systems with the support of external programmers and Ing.Tomáš Stranyánek, the manager of the marketing department, is responsible for sales and dealer network support which is composed of external vendors of computer technology and software. The marketing strategy of the company is radically changing, it is being oriented towards large companies, governmental agencies, and companies with large information systems. Another milestone is INVEX '97 where SODAT software Ltd. have experienced success with many large companies in the Czech and Slovak Republic, where we have opened exclusive representation of our company. At this time the company has sufficient backing, both technical and personal, it has its own know-how and it is sufficiently established on the market.

In April 1998 SODAT software Ltd. introduced their completely new product at the CeBIT 98 exhibition. The developer named it Sodat Password Manager version 1.0, which is intended to protect computers against undesirable booting by an unauthorised user. Sodat Password Manager was found to be useful for hardware vendors who are supplying it with new computers as the OEM version.

At INVEX '98 some orders were concluded and some foreign partners were contacted. At the beginning of 1999 SODAT software Ltd. started to actively co-operate with their representation in Hungary. In May of 1999 a new dealer agreement was signed with an Austrian partner.

Development of the current software system is on-going and the OA-Sodat 32 Remote Control system is being introduced to the market, which allows the users to maintain the OA-Sodat 32 (PLUS) system more comfortably and effectively.

All systems are periodically given for review for expert opinion which are being published in professional publications. At the present time SODAT security systems are successfully installed in government institutions, corporations, financial institutions, and last but not least in educational institutions. SODAT software Ltd. is selling its software through dealers at advantageous marketing conditions.

Besides existing software, SODAT software Ltd. is able to create a security system according to customer's wishes.


  • GLAVUNION, Teplice Inc.
  • SLOVNAFT Inc., Bratislava
  • SPT TELECOM Inc., Dolní Břežany
  • VŠ BÁŇSKÁ, Ostrava
Articles about us in professional publications
  • COMPUTERWORLD 37/97, Bezpečně mohou pracovat i začátečníci (Even beginners can work safely), page 7
  • COMPUTERWORLD speciál Invex 97, Počítač v bezpečí (Your computer is safe), page 18
  • COMPUTER 20/97, Ochraňte si své teritorium ! (Protect your territory), page 50
  • PC REVUE 3/98, Koniec neporiadku v pécečkách ? (End of PC disorder?), page 63
  • CHIP 3/98, Bez obav (Without worries), page 72
  • COMPUTER 9/98, Nepovolaným vstup zakázán (Unauthorised entry prohibited), page 22
  • CHIP 6/98, Nikdy bez ochrany (Never without protection), page 56
  • PC WORLD červenec (July) 1998, Security system SODAT, page 30
  • Softwarové noviny 8/98, Bezpečnost pro nebezpečné uživatele (Protection against dangerous users), page 79
  • COMPUTER 17/98, Postřik na piráty (Spray against software pirates), page 15
  • COMPUTER WORLD 38/98, A správci mohou odpočívat (And system managers can relax), page 15
  • DATA SECURITY MANAGEMENT 5/98, Ochranné systémy firmy SODAT (SODAT security systems), page 52
  • DATA SECURITY MANAGEMENT Příloha Invex 98 (supplement), SODAT jako základní stavební kámen ochrany (SODAT as the building block of security), page 26
  • CONNECT! 11/98, Bezpečáček na výstavě Invex (Security system at the Invex exhibition), page 25
  • COMPUTER 21/98, Heslo nebo život (Password or your life), page 28
  • CHIP (Hungary) januar/99 (January /99), Védelmi program, page 39
  • COMPUTERWORLD 45/98, Zamykám, zamykám, disk… (Locking, locking, disk…), page 7
  • CONNECT 2/99, Chraňte svůj počítač před vetřelci (Protect your computer against intruders), page 52
  • PCNEWS (Austria) Februar/99 (February /99), Das Schutzsystem OA-Sodat 32, page 17
  • CHIP 3/99, Ochrana snadno a rychle (Easy and fast security), page 102
  • COMPUTER WORLD (BUSINESSWORLD)10/99, Parlament pod ochranou (The parliament under protection), page 1
  • CONNECT 3/99, Vrátný pro naše pecky (Doormen for our pits), page 47
  • CHIP (Hungary) április/99 (April /99), OA-Sodat 32 PLUS, page 48
  • PCNEWS (Austria) April/99, Optimal Access (Optimal Access), page 39
  • CONNECT 6/99, Vzdálená správa systému OA-Sodat 32 (Remote control for OA-Sodat 32), page 42
  • THE BLUE ROSE (IBM) červen/99, Ochranný systém OA-Sodat 32 v projektu IS FN Motol, Seite 47
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