Abnahmen für Händler
Händler Kategorie |
Abnahmekonditionn |
Abnahme |
Preis ohne Abnahmen |
S-0 |
Unterfertigung des Vertrages vom Dealership |
15 % |
- |
S-1 |
- |
25 % |
- |
S-2 |
- |
35 % |
- |
S-3 |
- |
45 % |
- |
Alle Preise sind ohne MwSt. Mehrwertsteuer für Software-Produkte in der tschechischen Republik ist 5 Prozent.
Die weiteren Informationen hinsichtlich der Händlerabnahmen und der Bezeichnungen des Handels können im " Vertrag für Händler " (auf Englisch) nachstehend gefunden werden (der Vertrag ist nur in englischer Sprache vorhanden).
Dealer Contract
between manufacturers (suppliers)
SODAT software Ltd.
Sedlákova 33
602 00 BRNO
ICO (Organisation's identification number): 253 23 989
DIC (Tax identification number): 288-253 23 989
tel./fax: 05-43236177-8
bank contact: EXPANDIA BANKA, account number: 59372001/2400
E-mail: info@sodatsw.cz
and dealers
Address and Postal code:.....................................................…….
ICO (Organisation's identification number):......................…..................
DIC (Tax identification number):....................................…................
Responsible person:............................ Function:...........…...........
Telephone:....................... Fax:.................... Mobile:....................
Bank contact:........................... Account number:.......…...............
SODAT software Ltd. and the below signed dealer have agreed that the dealer will arrange to sell software, which is a product of SODAT software Ltd. and is protected by the Copyright Act. The conditions of sale and dealer discounts are parts of this contract (see the next page).
Start date of contract:…………………………
Duration of contract: see contract conditions
Date of signing:………………………………
Number of appendices:………………..pages
......................................................................... ................................………..
SODAT software Ltd.'s stamp & signature Dealer's stamp & signature
1. Subject of agreement
- The supplier is obligated to supply dealers software, which is intended to be sold, on the basis of their written orders.
- The dealer is obligated, according to section 1.1, to assume and pay the price of the ordered software which has been set according to the dealer's category.
2. Time validity of contract
- Contracts are set for a period of one year.
- If neither of the contract parties notifies the other contract party that they want to terminate the contract, no later than one month before the contract expiration of one year from signing the contract, then the contract is extended for another year. If once again, during this extended contract period, neither of the contract parties notifies the other contract party in writing that they want to terminate the contract, no later than one month before the extended contract expiration date, then the contract period will always be extended by one year.
- Terminating the contract, which was agreed to, before its expiration can occur with:
a) a written agreement from both contractual parties b) termination notice from either contractual parties without reason, where the notice period amounts to one month and begins to count from the first day of the following month after the day when the written termination notice was delivered by the other contractual party. c) a one-sided termination of the contract by the supplier for a substantial breach of contract by the dealer.
3. Cost and payment conditions
- The price for providing SODAT software Ltd.'s products is determined between the supplier and dealer, where the price comes from the supplier's current pricelist and is reduced by the appropriate discount. A current pricelist is given to the supplier and becomes part of this contract. The supplier is obligated to notify dealers of price changes one month before they become effective. SODAT software Ltd. is reserving the right to change product prices and even dealer conditions according to the current market situation.
- Dealer discounts are provided in the following amounts:
a) S0 - basic discount on the condition of a signed dealer contract 15% b) S1 - discount on the condition of ordering a minimum value of ... 25% c) S2 - discount on the condition of ordering a minimum value of ... 35% d) S3 - discount on the condition of ordering a minimum value of ... 45% The amounts of the one-time orders, after the appropriate reduced discount, are quoted in Kc (Czech crowns) and without tax (VAT).
- In individual cases the manufacturer can grant greater discounts without amending this contract.
- The dealer must pay for the first order in cash. The following payments will be conducted and agreed to by word of mouth/The method of the following payments must be mutually agreed to between the two parties?.
- The dealer is not permitted, when selling SODAT software Ltd.'s products, to exceed the maximum set amount according to the current manufacturer pricelist for the end user.
- In the case where it was agreed that the dealer's payment will not be paid in cash and subsequently the bill wasn't paid within the set or agreed upon period then the supplier can demand from the dealer to pay a contractual fine of 0.2% of the outstanding amount for each delayed day.
- Default in payment is a serious breach of this contract and can be one of the reasons for (a one-sided termination of the contract by the supplier. In this case the dealer losses his right for dealer discounts which he earlier obtained.
4. Supplier obligations
- The supplier is obligated to:
a) provide the dealer a TRIAL-version, possibly allow him access to it through Internet, for advertising purposes, at no cost, b) provide the dealer with sample text, possibly pamphlets for advertising purposes, c) regularly provide a current pricelist of products d) provide necessary information about supplying products by training the dealer's employees, at no cost, e) adhere to the set delivery period of the ordered products after acquiring the order, f) guarantee that the delivered goods will not have any legal defects and that in regards to the Copyright Act they are distributed properly.
5. Dealer obligations
- The dealer is obligated to:
a) attend the supplier's free-of-charge training intended for obtaining necessary information about products, if he receives a written invitation, b) offer the acquired products to other individuals – end users with professionalism which can be expected from them, to provide necessary consultation, handle complaints, collect end user comments and pass them on to the supplier, c) cover the costs related to advertising, sales, etc. from his own resources. d) concerning sales and registration cards, advise the end user of the necessity to mail the completed registration card to the manufacturer's address
- The dealer can not make any copies of SODAT software Ltd.'s products except for the freely distributable TRIAL-version. In the case that the above mentioned are violated then the manufacturer can demand from the dealer to pay a contractual fine of up to 10 times the product price, without reducing the amount by the granted discount. The manufacturer's rights are not void by paying this contractual fine and doesn't rid the dealer or his partners of their responsibilities to compensate the manufacturer of their financial losses (for example, violating the copyright law, violating licensing rights of foreign organisations, etc.).
- Any violations of the dealer's obligations mentioned in section 5.1 part a) and in section 5.2 of this stipulation/article is a substantial breach of this contract.
6. Further agreements
- The dealer can, in the area of his activities, widen the sales of SODAT software Ltd.'s products according to this contract by using other distributors. It is required to make a list of these distributors and possibly give it to the manufacturer if it is necessary.
- If a distributor is going to produce advertising material, advertise, place commercials in mass-media, etc. of SODAT software Ltd.'s products, then they are obliged to submit the respective material beforehand for SODAT software Ltd.'s approval.
- The manufacturer and distributor are obligated to keep business information, which was obtained from other contractual parties for internal needs, confidential even after the expiration of this contract and will not be given to a third party. This type of business information will be considered as: customer addresses, the number of claims against products, total of sales, stock status, planned price changes, extraordinary discounts, etc.
- The dealer can not request from the manufacturer exclusive rights to sell specific products or exclusive territorial rights.
7. Concluding agreements
- This contract becomes effective from the day of its signing by both contractual parties.
- Any changes or amendments to this contract must be made in writing and must be signed by both contractual parties.
- This contract is made up of two exact duplicates, of which each contractual party gets one copy.
- Both the supplier and dealer declare that this contract was duly read, that they entered into this agreement after mutual discussions according to their own free will, undoubtedly and clearly, not under pressure or otherwise a one-sided disadvantageous condition.
For confirmation of this, both parties attach their signatures (see the previous page).