Technical service

Copying and printing machines require regular care as well as other sophisticated equipment used by modern industrial society. Service of companies dealing in this technology must ensure two types of care.


  • to keep machines in good quality and eliminate possible failure
  • in case of machine failure service must be quick, effective and professional

    Our company provides full service of sold equipment since delivery to a customer. In a guarantee period a service technician is obliged to follow provisions mentioned in a warranty contract. Because of various kinds of a warranty contract it is necessary to be acquainted well with a contract and ask for service in accordance with a contract. Guarantee looks-over are carried free of charge in intervals given in advance (according to machine performance specification).
  • Quickness of hit

    In a guarantee and after-guarantee period service is provided till 48 hours since requirement was announced. This time is much shorter in case of complete machine failure, it means in case when a customer cannot use a machine without service of technician. Express service or service out of working hours can be provided in case of agreed provisions in a purchase.


    Technical staff is regularly trained to get fresh information. It is then checked in practise and gets back in the form of experience into knowledge database of our company. Service technicians can operatively fill useful information. Quick service of high quality is a result that saves customer's time and money.

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