A glossary has been provided for your convenience to explain certain terminology which has been used in the specification lists of our products.

Bi-directional Parallel (IEEE1284):
A print device which is connected via a Bi-parallel interface to a PC has the capability to send back information regarding the operation status of that device in order to inform the user if any error may occur such as Out of Paper, Low Toner, Paper Jam etc.
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
The CPU is the "brains" of the computer. It performs the computer's calculating functions, processes all data, manages connected devices and is the place where the computer's internal storage, control circuitry, ROM and RAM are found.
Dual Access
This facsimile feature provides you with higher productivity due to the fact that the device is capable of handling more than one task simultaneously.
This feature allows you to send fax messages to a recipient in a highly secured way. Fax messages will be encrypted at the side of the sender and decoded at the receiver side.
This is the system software stored in the ROM of a computer, printer and fax or in the BIOS of IBM-compatible computers.
Stand's for Graphical Device Interface which means that there are no PCL emulations available in the printing device itself, but the complete control and preparation of the document which has to be printed is done at the side of the PC. GDI driver software is fully working under the Windows environment.
In computer graphics, a series of shades from white to black . Since grayscale cannot be printed (you can only print black or color), dot size is larger for dark gray output and smaller for light gray output.
Half toning
Breaking down the gradations of tones (of a photograph) into a series of dots with a scanner. The dense patterns of the thick dots produce dark shades and the less dense patterns of smaller dots give us lighter shades.
OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
OCR is software which enables your computer to recognize printed text. When a page of text has been scanned, the OCR software converts the image into a text file so that you can edit it in a word processor.
PCL (Printer Control Language)
Printer Control Language was developed by Hewlett-Packard to be used with their laser printers. This is a set of commands which tell the printer and the printer driver how a document should be printed.
Print Server
A PC in a LAN (Local Area Network), that has been assigned to receive and temporarily store files to be printed. The print server which is accessible from all workstations, runs the print spooler software and manages a print queue.
The measurement of linear dots per inch (dpi) to determine horizontally and vertically the sharpness of the image or text.
A peripheral that digitizes a printed page and stores the image as a file. Such a file can then be opened, edited or imported into many different applications.
WYSIWYG stands for "What You See Is What You Get". In other words, documents which have been created with, for example a word processor, will be printed out in the way you would see it on your monitor.

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