General information about warranty condition

It is possible to compare copying and printing technology with automobile industry products. A lot of moving mechanical parts is included in a copy machine or a high-volume printer as well as in a car. These parts - when being used- are being worn-out. Therefore there is an operating life given by a producer. When an operating life expires it is necessary to exchange necessary parts for new ones (this is the same with oil, break pads, filters etc. in a car). This is not included in a warranty and it is paid by a customer as well as performance connected with it (if significant life-time reduction is not caused by machine defect).

Standard warranty

  1. There is a twelve-month warranty since a machine was installed or to making given number of copies or printed pages.
  2. The warranty covers a free of charge repair caused by machine defect when still under warranty.
  3. A guarantee guarantees warranty extending for the period a customer could not use the machine because of a guaranteed repair. This period must be longer than one day.
  4. Regular maintenance, the exchange of worn-out parts (so called consumable parts), consumables and failure caused by users or elemental events are not included in a warranty.
  5. This service and material is paid by a customer according to a valid tariff even in a guarantee period.
  6. A warranty will be terminated in the following cases:
    • A machine usage is in discrepancy with operating instructions
    • In case of using consumables and spare parts not delivered by a guarantee
    • A machine repair or modification has been made by non-authorized service, which caused damage in a machine
    • In case of moving a machine to different place without consulting with a guarantee
Extraordinary warranty

Warranty is possible to extend for individual charge up to 48 month. Detailed information can be obtained in relationship with particular deal.

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