Copy Features Resolution for KM-4850w, KM-PS4850w and KM-PS4845w
The KM-4850w incorporates a scanner, which scan resolution of 600 x 600 dpi with 256 gray scale and a 80 mm/sec scanning speed. The KM-4850w has the high print resolution of 600 x 600 dpi with multi-bit technology. (16 level per dot). With this technology, not only straight lines but also slanted lines, arcs and contours of small print characters are sharply reproduced. "600 dpi" means 600 dots are printed per square inch. ôBinaryö means that it is printing in either black or white, that is to say, a black dot is printed, while a white dot is merely left blank. High 4 bit printing means being capable of reproducing each dot in 16 gray level rather just black or white. They express printing capability. Moreover, finely drawn lines on diazo film or blurred pencil drawings are faithfully reproduced. Thanks to innovative technology with higher bit, the image quality is excellent.
4 bit technology

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