Xteq Systems X-Setup (http://www.xteq.com) - Readme Version 6.2 _____________________________________________________ ABOUT XTEQ X-SETUP Xteq X-Setup is the ultimate in system configuration or "tweaking" as some people would say. It covers all types of options and has many useful features - for more information see the file FILE_ID.DIZ or browse to http://www.xteq.com/products/xset/ Xteq X-Setup is also the official system configuration utility of lockergnome.com: Lockergnome's free Windows e-mail newsletter is packed with the latest 32-bit downloads, Web sites, games, multimedia, fonts, tips & tricks, updates & patches, themes, computer industry news, and more. Don't miss another review! http://www.lockergnome.com/ To subscribe directly, please use the following URL http://www.lockergnome.com/issues/daily.html _____________________________________________________ X-SETUP LICENSING X-Setup is licenced to you either as freeware or shareware, depending on the environment it is used. Please read the enclosed LICENSE.TXT carefully or browse to http://www.xteq.com/register/ for details. In short: It's 100% Freeware for home user and charity/non-profit organizations, but shareware for commercial institutions. Notice: Most users do not need to register. If you want to help Xteq Systems, you may make a donation. Please visit http://www.xteq.com/donate/ for more information. _____________________________________________________ INSTALLING OR UPDATING XTEQ X-SETUP To install Xteq X-Setup, extract all files from the archive to a directory and start SETUP.EXE. After Setup has finished, this directory can be deleted. If you already have Xteq X-Setup installed, you can install this new version into the same path as the previous version. In case you have added your own tools to the "Programs" menu inside X-Setup, you need to copy the file TOOLS.INI from the X-Setup\bin folder to the new X-Setup\cfg folder after your have installed X-Setup. After restarting X-Setup, your old entries will be present in X-Setup again. _____________________________________________________ GENERAL NOTICES ABOUT INSTALLING OR UPDATING X-SETUP - Xteq X-Setup does NOT contain any backdoor software: it *IS NOT* ad-based or spyware-enabled! Your privacy *IS NOT* at risk by using Xteq X-Setup! - Xteq X-Setup does not intereference with any other system utility nor does it change any configuration by just installing it (except adding some harmless empty lines to MSDOS.SYS on W9x/ME machines which the OS just ignores). Therefore, you can always install it and give it a try. - In some very rare cases, Anti-Virus software can cause X-Setup to crash (GPFing). In this case, please disable your Anti-Virus software before starting SETUP.EXE or using X-Setup. Especially, Norton AntiVirus seems to crash X-Setup. We suggest using the products from TrendMicro, see http://www.antivirus.com/ - If you have deactivated your Anti-Virus software and Setup still shows a GPF ("SETUP caused an invalid page fault in...") some of your system components are badly damaged. You might try to install the latest Internet Explorer from Microsoft which sometimes is able to fix the problem. If IE's setup also displays a GPF, the best solution is, sorry to say, FORMAT C:\. - Because X-Setup contains more than 700 plug-ins that are all created using VBScript, some Anti-Virus software may try to "analyze" every plug-in and thus slowing down the setup process of X-Setup dramatically. Normally, the setup process does not take any longer than two minutes but some users have reported setup durations of 30 minutes and more! If this happens to you, just cancel setup, stop the On-Access scanner of you Anti-Virus software and restart setup. After setup is finished, you can simply scan the entire \X-Setup folder to make sure that there are no viruses. _____________________________________________________ UNINSTALLING XTEQ X-SETUP To remove Xteq X-Setup, use Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs. If the Control Panel is opened while you are uninstalling X-Setup, Setup can't remove the icon inside Control Panel because it's locked. If this happens, just close Control Panel, search for "XQXSetup.cpl" and delete it. PLEASE NOTE THAT UNINSTALLING X-SETUP DOES *NOT* REVERT ANY CHANGES YOU HAVE MADE USING X-SETUP !! _____________________________________________________ REQUIRED COMPONENTS Xteq X-Setup requires some system components that are include in every edition of Windows since Windows 98 and upwards. X-Setup will check itself for the availability of these components before it starts and will display an error if they are missing. Important: Windows 95 without Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer etc. has an outdated "OLEAUT32.DLL" which is required to run Xteq X-Setup. This means, if you are running a freshly installed Windows 95, Xteq X-Setup will refuse to run and instead crash with the message "Method xxx not found in OLEAUT32.DLL". To fix this, you need to download and install DCOM95 from http://www.microsoft.com/com/dcom/dcom95/download.asp We regret this error, but this is an issue of our development environment since Windows 95 is no longer supported by Microsoft ("Out of Live"). _____________________________________________________ SUPPORT FOR XTEQ X-SETUP Due to the huge success of Xteq X-Setup, we are bombed with hundreds of emails per day. Because of this and as X-SETUP is mostly freeware, we can no longer respond to support requests via email, SORRY! If you need help with X-Setup, please see the Support topic inside the help file. If you can't access the help file from within X-Setup, since X-Setup does not work, open the folder "\help" inside the directory where you have installed X-Setup (normally C:\Program Files\X-Setup\) and double-click the "StartHelp" file. _____________________________________________________ CONTACTING THE AUTHOR / XTEQ SYSTEMS To contact the author, write to TeXHeX@xteq.com To contact Xteq Systems, write to info@xteq.com or visit our website at http://www.xteq.com. PLEASE NOTE THE DESCRIPTION ABOUT SUPPORT ABOVE! _____________________________________________________ LICENSE / DISTRIBUTING / CD-VENDOR INFORMATION A detailed license for this software is included in the file LICENSE.TXT that can be found in the same directory where the software is installed or directly inside the archive. Information about distributing our software is also included in LICENSE.TXT. Key Point: Non-commercial distribution is welcome and allowed. _____________________________________________________ Copyright © Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved http://www.xteq.com