RATIO Plugin (optional "BETA")

NOTE: Some bugs exist in this plugin. Please use at your own risk and report any errors/problems to guildftpd@nitrolic.com


* ENABLE * - This option is only available at the SYTEM level. Checking this box enables the RATIO plugin.

* OVERRIDE * - This option is only available at the GROUP or USER level. Checking this box allows you to specify different settings for a specific GROUP or USER.

* RATIO * - This option is the core component of the plugin. UP refers to the number of files or the KB that must be uploaded before the current CREDITS are increased by the DOWN value.The DOWN value is the amount that gets added to the user's credits after the number of UP is reached.
- EXAMPLE: You set UP = 3 and DOWN = 5 (files). When you first connect, you can download 5 files. If you upload 2 files right away, your credits increase to 10. If you download 3 files and upload 2 more, your credits would be at 12.