
Welcome to INI Editor

Ini files are plain ASCII files. Windows provide special support for them through the 32-bit API. We only support 32-bit API functions because Hackman is a pure 32-bit program. An INI file consists of two parts, the sections and the keys that may have values. Here's an example of an INI file:
[Colors] This is a section
border= A key without value
ink=yellow A key with string value (yellow)
[Advanced_Settings] Another section
splash=1 A key with numeric value (1)

Ini editor can help you automate the creation, test, correction and manipulation of INI files. Here's a brief summary of its commands:

Files Menu

Edit Menu

Tools Menu


Apart from the quick-access toolbar and the keyboard conventions, you can also:


Thank you for using INI editor with your Hackman platform. If you discover a bug or you have a wish/comment/suggestion about INI editor, please write to us!

⌐ 2000-2001 Jim Barnes and Nickolas Curtis for Innovation Systems.