Script Editor v2.2
Copyright (C) 1998-2001
California, USA, DEV Team.
Welcome to Script Editor v2.2 Online Help. Here, you'll find a brief explanation
of all available commands that exist in the editor plug-in application.
This plguin, simplifies drastically the make and edit of Hackman plugin script files
(*.hmp). To access the plugin, from the Developer menu, select Script Editor. Note that
you need the SDK installed in order to execute the plugin.
- New: Creates an empty plugin script.
- Open: Opens an existing script in the editor.
- Save: Saves the scirpt file.
- Save As...: Saves the script file but lets you specify a new filename.
- Exit: Terminates the plug-in.
- Undo: undoes previous action.
- Cut: deletes a selected portion and copies it into clipboard.
- Copy: copies a selected portion into clipboard.
- Paste: gets a stored buffer from the clipboard and puts it into the editor.
- Delete: deletes a selected portion
- Select All: selects all the script.
- Date/Time: inserts current date and time.
- Set Font: selects font name, size and attributes for the editor window.
- Plugin name: sets the plugin's menu name.
- Set menu: defines the Hackman's menu name under which the plugin will appear.
- Execute options: sets the plugin's execute options.
- Shortcut: (unsuported in Hackman 6.0) defines an optional keyboard shortcut.
- Icon resource: (unsupported in Hackman 6.0) sets a menu icon for your plugin.
- Uninstall: information in order to uninstall the plugin.
The submenus here let you quickly parametrize all the available script command in the main body
of the script (Begin to End). Click on any of the commands to invoke a special dialog box, through
which you can configure the parameters of the equivalent script command.
- Contents: calls this help file.
- About...: info box regarding this plug-in.
Note: This version of Script Editor fully complies with Hackman v6.0.