
Purpose: You can change the file's attributes that appear on both Windows Explorer in list view and on the Windows properties tab dialog box. Not all options are always available (depends on the OS used) and some of them are read-only. To view the current attributes of a file, choose Anatomy or Properties from Hackman's File menu.


Read Only: no write is allowed to read-only files.
Hidden: won't show up (unless the system is configured to show all files)
System: the OS will treat this file as a vital system file
Archive: shows whether the file should be archived or not (used by certain programs)
Elliptic: unavailable for public, cannot be changed due to OS restrictions.
Volume: this is just a monitor (read-only) property and as elliptic cannot be changed for a file (OS limitation).
Temporary: marks a file as a temporary or not. Temporary files cannot have other attributes.
Compressed: system compressed files (NT only). Property cannot change from Hackman.

Pressing Ok will change the attributes, Cancel will ignore any changes made.
