
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.3)

xslt_process -- Transformovat XML data °et∞zcem obsahujφcφm XSL data


mixed xslt_process ( resource xh, string xml, string xsl [, string result [, array arguments [, array parameters]]])

xslt_process() p°ijφmß jako prvnφ argument °et∞zec obsahujφcφ XSLT stylesheet, jako druh² argument °et∞zec obsahujφcφ XML data, kterß chcete transformovat, a jako t°etφ argument °et∞zec obsahujφcφcφ v²sledky transformace. xslt_process() vracφ TRUE p°i ·sp∞chu a FALSE p°i selhßnφ. ╚φslo a text chyby p°φpadn∞ vzniklΘ p°i transformaci m∙╛ete zφskat pomocφ xslt_errno() a xslt_error() funkcφ.

P°φklad 1. Pou╛itφ xslt_process() k transformaci t°φ °et∞zc∙


$xslData = '

<xsl:template match="article">
    <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">
            <td width="20%">
            <td width="80%">
                <h2><xsl:value-of select="title"></h2>
                <h3><xsl:value-of select="author"></h3>

                <xsl:value-of select="body">


$xmlData = '
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <title>Learning German</title>
    <author>Sterling Hughes</author>
      Essential phrases:
      Komme sie mir sagen, woe die toilette es?<br>
      Eine grande beer bitte!<br>
      Noch einem bitte.<br>

if (xslt_process($xslData, $xmlData, $result))
    echo "Here is the brilliant in-depth article on learning";
    echo " German: ";
    echo "<br>\n<br>";
    echo $result;
    echo "There was an error that occurred in the XSL transformace...\n";
    echo "\tError number: " . xslt_errno() . "\n";
    echo "\tError string: " . xslt_error() . "\n";