

SWFDisplayItem -- Creates a new displayitem object.


new swfdisplayitem ( void)


Tato funkce je EXPERIMENT┴LN═. To znamenß, ╛e chovßnφ tΘto funkce a jejφ nßzev, p°esn∞ji °eΦeno COKOLI, co je zde zdokumentovßno, se v budoucφch verzφch PHP m∙╛e BEZ OHL┴⌐EN═ zm∞nit. Berte to v ·vahu a pou╛φvejte tuto funkci na vlastnφ nebezpeΦφ.

swfdisplayitem() creates a new swfdisplayitem object.

Here's where all the animation takes place. After you define a shape, a text object, a sprite, or a button, you add it to the movie, then use the returned handle to move, rotate, scale, or skew the thing.

SWFDisplayItem has the following methods : swfdisplayitem->move(), swfdisplayitem->moveto(), swfdisplayitem->scaleto(), swfdisplayitem->scale(), swfdisplayitem->rotate(), swfdisplayitem->rotateto(), swfdisplayitem->skewxto(), swfdisplayitem->skewx(), swfdisplayitem->skewyto() swfdisplayitem->skewyto(), swfdisplayitem->setdepth() swfdisplayitem->remove(), swfdisplayitem->setname() swfdisplayitem->setratio(), swfdisplayitem->addcolor() and swfdisplayitem->multcolor().