Sambar Server Documentation

TCP/UDP Ports Used in Sambar Server

Ports Used
The following table is a summary of the ports, protocols and services available in the Sambar Server:

Protocol Port Description
IMAP4 143 (TCP) Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4, may be used by mail clients such as Microsoft Outlook Express or Netscape Communicator to access the e-mail server. IMAP4 runs on top of the Sambar Server, and enables client access to the mail server information store.
IMAP4/SSL 993 (TCP) IMAP4 over SSL. You must install an SSL certificate on the Sambar server prior to enabling any protocols that utilize SSL.
POP3 110 (TCP) Post Office Protocol Version 3 allows mail clients such as Outlook Express or Netscape Communicator to access the e-mail server. As with IMAP4, POP3 runs on top of the Sambar Server and enables client access to the mail server information store.
POP3/SSL 995 (TCP) POP3 over SSL. You must install an SSL certificate on the Sambar server prior to enabling any protocols that utilize SSL.
HTTP 80 (TCP) Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol is the primary protocol implemented in the Sambar Server. User-specific file serving, CGI execution, WebMail and administrative actions are all serviced via this interface.
HTTP/SSL 443 (TCP) HTTP over SSL. You must install an SSL certificate on the Sambar server prior to enabling any protocols that utilize SSL.
SMTP 25 (TCP) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the foundation for all e-mail transport in the Sambar Mail Server. The SMTP service runs on top of the Sambar Server.
DNS 53 (UDP) Domain Name System (DNS) is at the heart of all of the services and functions of the Sambar Server. A DNS issue can have considerable impact on the system.

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