Sambar Server Documentation

POP3 Server
Pro Server Only

The POP3 server is automatically started when the Mail Server is configured to run. POP3D supports the standard POP3 protocol including UID and LAST. In addition, simultaneous access to the same mailbox is supported. When the POP3 Proxy server is also enabled, the user login is as follows:

  • If the request is an enhanced-POP3 request (i.e. user#server) the login is forwarded to the remote POP3 server [proxy mode].
  • If the user specified has a local mailbox, the login is directed to POP3D [pop3 mode].
  • If the user specified does not have a local mailbox, the POP3 request is forwarded to the remote POP3 server [proxy mode].

If either the POP3D or Enhanced-POP3 Proxy are enabled, the POP3 authorization extensions (either AUTH or digest) will fail; most mail clients will automatically switch to non-secure mail retrieval when this occurs.

POP3 Server and the POP3 Proxy

If both the POP3 Proxy and POP3 Server are enabled, the Sambar Server does the following:

  • If a # symbol is used (enhanced pop3), the login is directed to the remote (ISP) pop3 server.
  • If no # symbol, assume a local login and use the POP3 server.

The POP3 Server implements the POP3 protocol defined in RFC 1725. The following POP3 commands are supported:

  • DELE msgno
  • LAST
  • LIST [msgno]
  • NOOP
  • PASS string
  • QUIT
  • RETR msgno
  • RSET
  • STAT
  • TOP msgno n
  • UIDL [msgno]
  • USER name

Virtual Hosts
When retrieving the mail for a virtual-hosted client, the domain name must be appended to the username, i.e. The Netscape Messenger client will now allow an at (@) symbol to be used in the username. To get around this limitation in Netscape, the star (*) symbol can be used and it will be modfied internally by the POP3 and SMTP servers to the at (@) symbol.

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