The Sambar Server includes a command-line mail client (mailit)
for use in sending mail using the SMTP protocol.
The usage of the mailit utility can be displayed by typing
mailit in a DOS command shell window:
Syntax: D:\SAMBAR\BIN\MAILIT.EXE <server> <from> [<auth>] <to> <subject> [<body>] [<attach1> <attach2> <attach3>]
server = the SMTP mail server to use.
(port 25 will be used.)
from = the source (user) of the mail.
auth = optional SMTP AUTH username:password.
(AUTH must include a colon: :)
to = the user(s) to send the mail to.
subject = the subject of the mail message.
body = the file containing the message being sent.
attach1 = optional attachment file to send.
attach2 = optional second attachment file to send.
attach3 = optional third attachment file to send.
i.e.: D:\SAMBAR\BIN\MAILIT.EXE smtp.ix.netcom.com test@anywhere.com tod@sambar.com "Thanks!" c:\thanks.dat c:\images\signature.gif
Note: As a side-effect to the SMTP AUTH support, email address in
the to list may not contain colons.