Sambar Server Documentation

Log Analysis

The Sambar Server includes built-in log analysis routines that can be configured to run daily, weekly or monthly. If automatically log rotation is enabled, logs are rotated, reports run and log files are compressed automatically. The location of the automatically rotated log files is: log/mm/access.log-dd. The Sambar Server Pro includes the ability to have the atomatically generated report e-mailed to one or more administrators for review. In addition, separate log reports for each virtual host can be configured and each log report can be mailed to a separate list of e-mail recipients.

Important! The month (mm) and day (dd) used in the log rotation are the month and day on which the rotation occurs. This means that the statistics for January, for example (if rotating monthly), can be found in the directory: log/02/access.log-01 This directory structure occurs because the CRON daemon which performs the log rotation actually runs on February 1 at 12AM and the date reflects the fact that the file contains all activity prior to that period.

Below is a sample log report generated manually from the System Administration console. The log file on which this report was contained two months log entries.

Pro Server users can have the log report automatically mailed to one or more users by adding a comma-separated list of email recipients to the Automatic Log mailto parameter in the config/config.ini file.

sambar HTTP Server Log Statistics
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 11:21:15

Most Popular Pages
Most Popular Directories
Customized Site Reports
Most Popular Browsers
Most Popular Operating Systems
Most Common Visitors
Most Common Authenticated Visitors
Most Common Source Sites
Most Common Internal Referral Pages
Most Common Bad Requests
Hourly Hits Reports
Monthly Hits Reports
HTTP Status Summary

Summary Report
Report Covers: 8/19/1998 to 9/30/1998 (42 days)
Number of Unique Hosts: 4
Number of Unique Users: 1
Number of Extrenal Referers: 14
Number of Requests: 536
Total Unsuccessful Requests: 110
Number of Corrupt Log Lines: 0
Total Unique Requests (HTML pages & session): 79
Average Page Response Time: 7230ms
Average requests/hour: 0.526
Average requests/day: 12.762

Most Popular Pages (Top 79 Documents By Hits)

Hits% ReqsResp TimeDocument
78 14.55% 1636ms /sysadmin/index.stm
66 12.31% 7406ms /session/adminlogin
49 9.14% 1606ms /
43 8.02% 2155ms /session/pagecount
32 5.97% 25640ms /search/results.stm
22 4.10% 174ms /sysadmin/reports/reports.stm
17 3.17% 121ms /sysadmin/search.stm
15 2.80% 81ms /sysadmin/dbms/newdbms.stm
13 2.43% 22986ms /sysadmin/reports/http/statslog.htm
12 2.24% 22633ms /session/logstats
11 2.05% 37881ms /pdf/ODBC.PDF
11 2.05% 9739ms /sysadmin/dbms/dbmslist.stm
10 1.87% 90ms /sysadmin/search/srchlist.stm
9 1.68% 0ms /session/url2file
9 1.68% 0ms /inline2.stm
7 1.31% 85ms /sysadmin/dbms/upddbms.stm
6 1.12% 110ms /sysadmin/search/updsrch.stm
6 1.12% 1162ms /pdf/CONCEPTS.PDF
5 0.93% 158023ms /session/index
5 0.93% 262ms /syshelp/roadmap.htm
5 0.93% 110ms /sysadmin/search/newsrch.stm
5 0.93% 76ms /sysadmin/isql/data.stm
4 0.75% 372ms /syshelp/index.htm
4 0.75% 7250ms /pdf/SQL.PDF
4 0.75% 72ms /sysadmin/reports/ftp/ftpstats.htm
4 0.75% 60ms /session/cfgupdate
4 0.75% 48250ms /session/cfgdelete
4 0.75% 250ms /syshelp/side.htm
4 0.75% 50ms /session/ftpstats
3 0.56% 1140ms /sysadmin/show/showsys.stm
3 0.56% 93ms /sysadmin/dbms/dbms.htm
3 0.56% 86ms /sysadmin/isql/sql.stm
3 0.56% 203ms /sysadmin/reports/http/proxylog.htm
3 0.56% 85ms /sysadmin/search/search.htm
3 0.56% 60ms /session/proxystats
3 0.56% 165ms /sysadmin/show/showthrd.stm
2 0.37% 140ms /sysadmin/mgmt.stm
2 0.37% 60ms /index.htm
2 0.37% 110ms /sysadmin/show/showwd.stm
2 0.37% 330ms /pdf/concepts.pdf
2 0.37% 3870ms /pdf/odbc.pdf
2 0.37% 16500ms /pdf/sql.pdf
2 0.37% 105ms /sysadmin/reports/envt.stm
2 0.37% 410ms /syshelp/todo/threads.htm
1 0.19% 60ms /syshelp/isapiapp.htm
1 0.19% 490ms /syshelp/license.htm
1 0.19% 550ms /syshelp/vhosts.htm
1 0.19% 110ms /syshelp/proxyfaq.htm
1 0.19% 270ms /syshelp/proxy.htm
1 0.19% 60ms /sysadmin/show/showmime.stm
1 0.19% 650ms /syshelp/faq.htm
1 0.19% 490ms /syshelp/sched.htm
1 0.19% 110ms /syshelp/filter.htm
1 0.19% 110ms /sysadmin/usermgmt/newuser.stm
1 0.19% 220ms /syshelp/win95.htm
1 0.19% 50ms /search/index.htm
1 0.19% 170ms /sysadmin/show/showtask.stm
1 0.19% 110ms /syshelp/lansetup.htm
1 0.19% 330ms /overview.htm
1 0.19% 500ms /syshelp/security.htm
1 0.19% 440ms /syshelp/howto.htm
1 0.19% 0ms /session/logout
1 0.19% 60ms /sysadmin/show/showerr.stm
1 0.19% 1700ms /statslog.htm
1 0.19% 60ms /sysadmin/usermgmt/users.htm
1 0.19% 390ms /syshelp/logfmt.htm
1 0.19% 0ms /sysadmin/usermgmt/userlist.stm
1 0.19% 440ms /syshelp/put.htm
1 0.19% 390ms /syshelp/futures.htm
1 0.19% 110ms /sysadmin/isql/about.htm
1 0.19% 5330ms /ff
1 0.19% 110ms /sysadmin/show/showscks.stm
1 0.19% 380ms /syshelp/support.htm
1 0.19% 110ms /sysadmin/isql/isql.htm
1 0.19% 50ms /sysadmin/show/showuser.stm
1 0.19% 220ms /syshelp/config.htm
1 0.19% 380ms /syshelp/history.htm
1 0.19% 380ms /syshelp/distlisc.htm
1 0.19% 50ms /syshelp/watcher.htm

Most Popular Directories (Top 13 Directories By Hits)

Hits% ReqsResp TimeDirectory
151 28.17% 14174ms /session/
97 18.10% 1338ms /sysadmin/
63 11.75% 1595ms /
44 8.21% 7765ms /sysadmin/reports/
36 6.72% 3010ms /sysadmin/dbms/
33 6.16% 24815ms /search/
33 6.16% 320ms /syshelp/
27 5.04% 18657ms /pdf/
24 4.48% 94ms /sysadmin/search/
13 2.43% 368ms /sysadmin/show/
10 1.87% 86ms /sysadmin/isql/
3 0.56% 85ms /sysadmin/usermgmt/
2 0.37% 410ms /syshelp/todo/

Customized Page/Directory Reports

Hits% ReqsResp TimeDescription
227 42.35% 2725ms Administration Hits
0 0.00% 0ms Chuck`s Site Hits
0 0.00% 0ms Stacia`s Site Hits
0 0.00% 0ms Tod`s Site Hits
0 0.00% 0ms WCAF Site Hits

Most Popular Browsers (Top 4 Browser Types By Hits)

Hits% ReqsBrowser Type
411 58.80% Microsoft IE 4
263 37.63% Netscape 4
14 2.00% Unknown
11 1.57% Netscape 3

Most Popular Operating Systems

Hits% ReqsOS Type
490 70.10% Win32
149 21.32% Unknown
60 8.58% Unix

Most Common Visitors (Top 4 By Hits)

Hits% ReqsHost
467 87.13%
45 8.40%
18 3.36% file-stream
6 1.12%

Most Common Authenticated Users (Top 1 Users By Hits)

Hits% ReqsResp TimeUser
190 35.45% 10671ms sa

Most Common Source Sites (Top 14 External Referers By Hits)

Hits% ReqsReferer
24 4.48%
10 1.87%
7 1.31%
4 0.75%
2 0.37%
2 0.37%
2 0.37%
1 0.19% http://localhost/
1 0.19%
1 0.19%
1 0.19%
1 0.19%
1 0.19%
1 0.19%

Most Common Internal Referer Pages

Hits% ReqsReferer
142 26.49% http://localhost/
39 7.28% http://localhost/sysadmin/reports/reports.stm
38 7.09% http://localhost/session/adminlogin
23 4.29% http://localhost/search/results.stm
19 3.54% http://localhost/syshelp/side.htm
18 3.36% http://localhost/sysadmin/dbms/dbmslist.stm
12 2.24% http://localhost/sysadmin/dbms/dbms.htm
11 2.05% http://localhost/sysadmin/search/search.htm
11 2.05% http://localhost/search/index.htm
11 2.05% http://localhost/sysadmin/search/srchlist.stm
9 1.68% http://localhost/sysadmin/index.stm
8 1.49% http://localhost/sysadmin/search.stm
6 1.12% http://localhost/sysadmin/isql/sql.stm
6 1.12% http://localhost/session/cfgupdate
4 0.75% http://localhost/sysadmin/isql/isql.htm
4 0.75% http://localhost/sysadmin/dbms/newdbms.stm
2 0.37% http://localhost/foo.htm
2 0.37% http://localhost/sysadmin/show/showthrd.stm
2 0.37% http://localhost/sysadmin/search/newsrch.stm
2 0.37% http://localhost/session/cfgdelete
2 0.37% http://localhost/index.htm.
2 0.37% http://localhost/syshelp/index.htm
2 0.37% http://localhost/sysadmin/dbms/upddbms.stm
1 0.19% http://localhost/index.htm
1 0.19% http://localhost/sysadmin/show/showsys.stm
1 0.19% http://localhost/sysadmin/show/showtask.stm

Most Common Bad Requests

1 /index.htm...
1 /syshelp./roadmap.htm.
1 /roadmap.htm
1 /pdf/concepts
1 /sysadmin/dbms/newsrch.stm
1 /index.htm..

Hourly Hits Report

12am 0.93%
1am 0.00%
2am 0.00%
3am 0.00%
4am 0.00%
5am 0.00%
6am 0.00%
7am 0.00%
8am 0.00%
9am 4.10%
10am 7.84%
12noon 7.84%
1pm 8.02%
2pm 6.72%
3pm 4.10%
4pm 3.92%
5pm 7.65%
6pm 3.73%
7pm 6.72%
8pm 8.58%
9pm 8.77%
10pm 2.99%
11pm 0.00%

Monthly Hits Report

Each mark () represents 70 requests.

Hits% ReqsResp TimeMonth
189 35.26% 8757ms August
347 64.74% 6223ms September

HTTP Status Summary

HTTP Status Code% ReqsRequests
200 OK75.60% 533
206 Partial Content 0.43% 3
302 Moved Temporarily 0.14% 1
304 Not Modified 8.37% 59
400 Bad Request 0.43% 3
401 Unauthorized 2.55% 18
403 Forbidden 1.70% 12
404 Not Found 0.85% 6
499 Send Interrupted 8.51% 60
500 Internal Server 1.42% 10

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