Sambar Server Documentation
Archived Release History |
Release | Features |
Release 4.4 Production (2/2001) |
Fixed maillist reply-to (author | list) mail response. Added back support for #include virtual="http://...." support. Added "Expires=-1" to all system administration pages to fix IE caching. Fixed ISAPI AUTH_USER parameter to work with server and htaccess logins. Added support for UNC paths and explicity directory paths in search indexing. Added backslash (\) to the template parser to escape characters like tag-end (>) Fixed I18N auto-directory listings to escape characters (thanks Danilo Rettig). Fixed JavaEngine getParameter() method to handle I18N values. Fixed SMTPD AUTH bug when odd-length usernames are used (thanks Aaron). Fixed multiple login bug associated with invalid URL requests and Login on Authentication (thanks Ken Johanson!) Log host that initiated shutdown action. Added e-mail notification option to .htaccess for create/delete/update of files. (thanks Ken Johanson!) Fixed search engine auto-index to reindex remote sites (thanks Melvyn Sopacua!). Added ability to sort mail digests by date (ascending/decending). Fixed search results to carry-forward prepend/append text in next buttons. Fixed mailing list subscribe/unsubscribe and sending of mail (thanks Dave Culbertson). Fixed security hole in SSI include file (thanks Alex Broens!). |
Release 4.4 Beta 6 (12/2000) |
Fixed maillist bug when sending message with no body (thanks Keff Edwards!). Added "Prepend URL" parameter to search.ini files (to prepend text to URL of search results). Modified sa_sendmail() api to send saconn to API to verify attachment. Added support for message/rfc822 attachments (forwarded messages). Added optional startup/shutdown script execution parameters. Modified user/group management to use the Valid Characters from the server configuration (colon (:), slash (/ or \), pipe (|) and spaces may not be used. Modified search index to index relative a virtual host. Added support for multiple MTA delivery threads (still being tested). Fixed url2file problem that caused looping when used in CRON. Fixed mail routing failure (sending To: <xxx> to local mailboxes. Implemented login monitor to prevent serial retries of logins. Added config.ini parameter DOT-File Security to control FTP access to files beginning with a period (i.e. .htaccess). Added WebMail message encryption feature (thanks James Wright!) Fixed mail encode/decode decryption of user authentication and attachments. Mailing list functionality included with server. Made the message retry interval (2 days be default), configurable. Added Require AUTH to SMTP server for relay restrictions. Fixed address book creation bug and description tag (thanks James Wright!) |
Release 4.4 Beta 5 (11/2000) |
Implemented TCP and UDP forwarding proxies in the Pro server. Added Automatic Log mailto configuration to each virtual hosts entry to override the default. Added ability to save webmail messages to "sent" folder. Added check for "master" config/htaccess file. Added <Directory> and <Location> directives to htaccess. Increased maximum SQL buffer string size to 16K bytes (from 4K). Fixed telnet bug when connecting from UNIX clients. Fixed JavaEngine SambarOutputStream to allow non-ascii data output. Implemented ISAPI HSE_REQ_MAP_URL_TO_PATH_EX used by PHP4. Implemented TFTP Server (GET documents restricted to /tftpboot). Added Maximum Column Length configuration variable to dbconfig.ini. Added urllist.ini and whitelist.ini to proxy filtering (to filter on entire URL). Extended wordlist.ini to accomodate multi-word strings in proxy word filter. Changed server user-login cookie generation mechanism. Added [common] Trace Performance option for real-time performance stats. Added mail routing via A-record if MX lookup fails. Fixed BCC routing error (mail rules did not continue after BCC). Fixed Document Manager "edit" functionality (broken in beta 4). Fixed SSI include file functionality (htaccess restrictions). Fixed WebMail BCC forwarding functionality. |
Release 4.4 Beta 4 (10/2000) |
Fixed SOCKS header bug found by Harald Sammer. Removed Allow HTTP PUT user list in favor of priviledges from config/passwd Added RCEurl for top level URL (same as RCErequest if no nesting). Updated Perl distribution to latest 5.6 build. Added OpenSSL libraries to distribution (RSA patent expiration). Fixed FTP .. bug associated with directory walking. Fixed lower-case bug with proxy word list filter. Added Remote Proxy Authorization option for proxy use. Added ability to reload fetchers after modifications. Added option to override RCQ DBMS scripting with username and password. Fixed proxy word filtering bug that caused images to hang. Added stat() caching as a performance optimization option. Added ability to dynamically reload security.ini file. Enhanced the WebMail interfaces with folders and routing filters. Exposed WebDAV functionality in the Document Manager. Added FTP login trace to GUI and ftp.log Added compression and chunking functionality to JavaEngine. Implemented chunked content from HTTP/1.1 (see Performance documentation). Added "Compress Content" option to compress dynamic content (see Performance documentation). |
Release 4.4 Beta 3 (8/2000) |
Added replyto.stm to webmail interfaces and moved to /sysuser Tightened the security of many RPCs to be Script-only. Updated Environment variable report from Ken Johanson (thanks!) Added NT Domain Authentication as login option. Experimental distribution mechanism for semi-automated software updates. Increassed space alloted for cookies to 4096 bytes. Added latest Perl 5.6 to the distribution. Fixed another FTP crash associated with .htaccess parsing. Added DBMS cache enable/disable/status capabilities. Added auto link hilighting/click in WebMail. Fixed crash on restart via sysadmin forms. Fixed CPU spinning on some SSL connections. Fixed support for GNUJSP (broken in 4.3 production.) Modified CGI layer to terminate all processes on shutdown. Moved docmgr and webmail code to new "sysuser" folder. |
Release 4.4 Beta 2 (6/2000) |
Fixed mail router bug introduced in 4.4 beta 1 (large attachments failed). Modified the SMTP retry code to test the retry file timestamp for calculating bounce timeout. Significantly re-wrote log rotation routines to work more consistently. Many .htaccess extensions see .htaccess documents. Cleaned up buffer overrun vulnerabilities in RPC code. Added more htaccess options NoExec NoSSI PrependScript PrependMacro AppendScript AppendMacro Fixed POP3 TOP command to return top from message body rather than header. Fixed POP3 LAST command to be persistent across sessions. Fixed vulnerability in samples source code. Fixed UNC path mapping for HTTP and FTP aliases (\\ support). Modified document manager editor for IE 5.0+ support. |
Release 4.4 Beta 1 (5/2000) |
Extended RCQ option to take additional rowstart parameter. Changed to Winsock 2.0 (may affect older Windows 95 systems). Extended .htaccess with support for ExipresActive, ExpiresByType and ExpiresDefault Added "Log INCLUDE Scripts" to control logging RCinclude and SSI includes. Updated crash debugger to work with all flavors of Windows. Added new document editor for Document Management system (IE browsers only). Fixed significant bug in .htaccess security enforcement (thanks Melvyn Sopacua and James Wright!). Added 'User IP' config.ini entry to restrict user logins by IP range. Send the hostname of the server the watcher restarted on failure mail. Support for network mapped drives in config,ini parameters (//foo/...). Changed internal sendmail to output 8-bit MIME. Added SMTP AUTH LOGIN support for SMTPD server. Fixed RC@subst scalar (truncation bug). Added mailing list and Webmail Folders. |
Release 4.3 Production (4/2000) |
Added searchprop scalar for search properties. Fixed mailbox reader crash on malformed mail messages. Changed the RCC to always designate the method as GET. Added "Login on Authentication" config.ini entry to login the user on security.ini RESTRICT authentications. Fixed RCXsendmail so it could be first action in an stm page (SCRIPTONLY bug). Fixed nested RCinclude looping bug introduced in 4.3 beta 7. |
Release 4.3 Beta 9 (3/2000) |
Added new CSS-based webmail interface from Melvyn Sopacua. Fixed fetcher LAST usage to retrieve LAST + 1 (so no repeat mail retrieval). Fixed mail configuration save that deleted the forward and fetcher-aliases sections. Added more mail display filters. Changed the RCX parameter execution to not perform nested evaluation of strings (use RC@expr or RC@string). Implemented ISAPI 4.0 APIs used by PHP4 (still working to validate). Changed build environment to VC++ SP3. Added support for wild-card matching of vhosts. Added support for scalars (RC@) in if/then scripting. Changed webmail to use RCScount for message count (new webmail forms) Added support for Hotmail multipart/related mail messages. Fixed bogus mail router messages indicating retry failure. Fixed boundary testing for new mailbox messages. Fixed crash in server when custom error handlers are used for 404 erros Fixed mail alias to use a more restrictive comparison (partial alias matches). Fixed mail router bug associated with failure retry (Thanks Melvyn Sopacua). Fixed significant mail fetcher bug causing headers to be missed (thanks Herwig Feichtinger). Added SA_RASFUNC for RAS activity callback (for future support). Implemented sendmail_init as a SCRIPT-only RPC, use sendmail_init2 for old-style access. |
Release 4.3 Beta 8 (2/2000) |
Removed *.bat files from the CGI-BIN directory due to security issues
(Many thanks to Nikolai Tsvetkov and Georgi Chorbadzhiiski for bringing
this to my attention).
Added support for quoted-printable mail attachments in Webmail. Fixed corruption caused by search spider. Added RC@mailprop scalar for retrieving individual mail message properties. Changed SMTP mailer to require comma or semicolon separated list of e-mail accounts; affects RCXsendmail & RCXmailto Fixed SMTP mailer duplicate output; fixes RCXsendmail & RCXmailto (thanks John Bricci) Added RCXsetcookie for setting HTTP cookie headers from scripts. Fixed POP3 server to not save message updates if no QUIT received. Fixed the closing of the MBOX on POP3 failures. Fixed MTA resend in the event of a connection close failure. Changed MX lookup in MTA to retry 4 times before failing. Added usecss optional argument to Webmail maillist RPC (more CSS to come). Added RCShome parameter for WebMail to change the directory. Prevent nested include looping (halt 10 deep). Fixed DNS server and HTTP Proxy server crash on long URLs. Added "local" fetcher option (aliased to previous "all" routing option). |
Release 4.3 Beta 7 (1/2000) |
Fixed the searchadd RPC crash (thanks Kevin Anderson!). Fixed Administrator logout code. Fixed invalid 'From' header sent with mail delivered via MTA (thanks Melvyn Sopacua). Reworked much of the WebMail interfaces to fix various bugs. Fixed SMTPD error message associated with invalid user mailbox. Fixed htpasswd bug introduced in beta 6 (thanks Robi Papez). Fixed bug with trailing periods on vhost names (thanks Hubert Becker & Melvyn Sopacua). Revamped <RCXls> RPC for greater listing and sorting capabilities. Fixed numerous bugs in the scripting engine. Added support for URL-encoded parameter debugging (<RC$*>). Added support for stripping comments from .stm files (<--- comment --->) Fixed Connection: close header for .stm files (caused IE hang). Added attachment as option to /session/sendmail. Turned log flush on observation log and removed leading string. Added great icons and new iconmap.ini from Jack Watts. Added Proxy Word Filter IPs to only filter on a particular set of IPs. Rework CGI/WinCGI mappings to accomodate per-vhost CGI directories. Fixed SMTP daemon to handle format To or From format without quoted descriptive name (thanks Melvyn Sopacua). Added support for DNS queries on TCP port 53 (in addition to UDP 53). Added support for <RCredirect location> scripting directive. Fixed crash when Router logging is enabled in the mail server. |
Release 4.3 Beta 6 (1/2000) |
Added sample for implementing scalar methods (see general.c) Fixed significant POP3 bug that corrupted attachments (thanks James Wright!) Added Unix crypt() compatiblity option for htpasswd (see htaccess documentation). Added RAS dial-on-demand usage logging to the server.log file. Fixed JavaEngine dynamic class reloader. Added word2txt.exe to distribution (simple MSWord to ASCII converter used by search indexer). Changed ISAPI logging to only log GetServerVariable failures if debugging enabled. Added RC@ping scalar functionality. Added ability to have CGI/WinCGI directorys for each virtual host. Fixed SCRIPT_NAME to have default document name where appropriate. Fixed the RC@cookie handling (many thanks to Kevin Anderson!). Added fetcher.log and router.log tracing functionality. Fixed bug in multi-part byte range support (caused Adobe Acrobat 4 hang). Enabled single-user use of the JavaEngine in the free Sambar Server. Added support for location redirects with search spider. Fixed removal of CGI temporary file for when CGI processes are terminated. Added logging of SAHOME environment variable to assist with debugging. |
Release 4.3 Beta 5 (12/99) |
Added logging of IP addresses on failed login attempts. Implemented Apache-style linger close and added Linger Close parameter. Fixed (hopefully) multiple CGI execution bug with tmp files. Fixed servlet refresh bug (IE browsers only). Fixed Document Manager navigation bug (Up Directory). Enhanced MTA to failover and deliver to additional MX entries if it cannot connect to an SMTP server. Enhanced POP3 Enhanced proxy to look for :port to accomodate Norton AntiVirus 2000 (see Proxy documentation for details). Fixed "Maximum Message Size" configuration parameter of mail configuration. Added support for /cgi-bin/ in SSI #exec statements to be compatible with Apache. Fix bug in logging of HTTP status for CGIs. Log HTTP status when sending a directory list (thanks Mike Green). Modified FTP filename check to use Valid Characters from the [server] section in config.ini file. Added Admin Timeout Duration to the config.ini for administrator timeouts (thanks Melvyn Sopacua). Fixed Mail fetcher and router to disconnect modem only if there are no other users. Modified Watcher Daemon to send mail on all server restarts (if Watcher Notify is configured). Add parameters to webmail RPC methods to override colors. Removed HTTP escaping of directory lists. Applied James Wright's attachment security checks. Fixes to the JavaEngine for GNUJSP support. |
Release 4.3 Beta 4 (11/99) |
Fixed MX record lookup of mail for full server name Fixed RCredirect bug (missing parameter arguments) Fixed RC$ parameter bug (missing NULL termination of repeater values) Fixed search hilight for IE browser (HTTP/1.1 header response). Modified search index to dump files/urls indexed to .loc file. Modified search index to not reindex files already indexed (append mode) Fixed FTP upload of multiple documents. Fixed MX record lookup when sending mail with the MTA. |
Release 4.3 Beta 3 (10/99) |
Added ability to supress errors from RCQ/RCF scripting using
showerror=false Added ability to customize error messages using scripting (simply rename the messages/errorfile.htm to messages/errorfile.stm). Significantly modified the mail router and added MTA. Fixed crash resulting from DOS attach (long GET request) found by Dennis Conrad Added MX-Record resolution to the DNS server. Added metaphone search indexing option Fixed crash from invalid HEAD request. Added Restrict Relay SMTPD configuration (anti-spam). |
Release 4.3 Beta 2 (9/99) |
Fixed highlight search response (invalid HTTP/1.1 header). Added webmail filtering code to color-code messages. Fixed memory corruption in network layer (caused spurious crashes). More bug fixes to mail aliasing and the fetcher. Return text/html as the default Content-Type for ISAPI DLLs Added basic HTTP Proxy word filtering (wordlist.ini) Added tracing to SMTP and POP3 daemons Added ability to search Microsoft Word documents (Word 7 format) Fixed decrypt scalar bug Fixed HTTPS proxy bug |
Release 4.3 Beta 1 (8/99) |
Automatically hangup RAS after fetcher and router use this service Added WebCam RPC using Video for Windows (includes source code) Fixed FTP Proxy crash as a result of very long login names Fetcher and Router hangup the RAS connection after use (if they are the last users of the line). Fixed bug in search 'Exclude Directories' exclusion processing. Fixed url2file when used via the scheduler (arguments were stripped). rewritten by Ritchey Mulhollem. Fixed HTTPS proxy bug that caused requests to occasionally fail. Fixed input/output buffering bug that caused HTTP/1.1 requests to fail. Implemented Java Servlet Engine. Fixed POP3 daemon to mark messages retrieved as read. |
Release 4.2 Beta 9 (6/99) |
Allow SOCKS and FTP read timeout to be configured (config.ini) separate
from the read timeout Change helpscalar to display additional help file in /syshelp/scalars/scalarname.htm (if found) Change helprpc to display additional help file in /syshelp/rpcs/rpcname.htm (if found) Changed LAST_MODIFIED to display localtime rather than GMT Fixed some hang due to NT winsock bugs Fixed CGI-NPH Location output buf Fixed DNS "forwarding" crash when dial-on-demand is used Fixed user login crash Enabled fetcher to run when SMTPD is not running Added support for Bcc: on fetcher Add support for remote domain aliases in fetcher Add support for semicolon (;) in To: list of webmail |
Release 4.2 Beta 9 (6/99) |
Fixed zero length mail spool failures Changed Pause button on GUI to pause the server (except for sysadmin user) Fixed HTTPS to work with remote proxy Fixed RC@encrypt macro Fixed HSE_REQ_MAP_URL_TO_PATH to work properly with perlis.dll Fixed search words= space bug. Added support for malformed (SETI) proxy requests Changed Pause button on GUI to pause server (not just display) Fixed HTTPS Proxy to work with remote proxies Added support for wild-carding in aliases/forward name in mail.ini Remove Directory listing of CGI/WinCGI directories Automatically delete corrupt search indexes on startup |
Release 4.2 Beta 8 (4/99) |
Added "Prohibit Script #exec" configuration feature Fixed SOCKS5 hangup Fixed the ISAPI implementation to work with MFC/ATL code Fixed HTTP PUT bug with files not found. Fixed fetcher bug that mangled headers with Control-M Fixed mailit.exe and /session/sendmail to properly QUIT when done. Modified I/O code to fix fread crash (not reproduced). Fixed DNS crash Added manual fetcher option from WebMail interface Added HTTP_* Server-Side include variables to RCE & SSI Watcher not restarting server on faliure. Fixed HTTP PUT security problem Fixed End-while loop bug Fixed FTP PASV crash Fixed FTP Statistics to handle spaces in path names Fixed Mail Fetcher hang Fixed if/then scripting comparison of NULL Fixed Mail Fetcher hourly/daily fetch Enabled Observation functionality |
Release 4.2 Beta 7 (2/99) |
Added Mail Fetcher functionality. Added System administration forms for Mail and DNS. Added Crash Debug functionality (sambar.dbg) Added DNS Proxy/Server functionality. Enabled watcher to run with Sambar Server NT Service Fixed trailing character security hole (. # space :). Fixed the left scalar function. Added the random and sprintf scalar functions. Fixed some bugs in the RC tag processing. Modified the CGI processing to give the CGI time to shutdown on client disconnect (499). |
Release 4.2 Beta 6 (1/99) |
Made the CGI unbuffered output the only CGI model. Reworked the shutdown/restart code (yet again!) Fixed the missing mail installation files and lack of error logging. Fixed the automatic-directory listing crash. |
Release 4.2 Beta 5 (1/99) |
Moved Sambar Server documentation to special "syshelp" directory. Added Real Audio/Video proxy server. Added in-line scalar functions. Added expression evaluation engine for assigment of variables. Removed "Restart Hour" functionality. Added RC$foo.1 RC$foo.2 etc. for accessing multi-checkbox field data. Added config/iconmap.ini for configuring directory/file icons. Implemented Maximum Concurrent CGIs policy to prevent server overrun. Added Idle timeout for DBMS connections to free periodically. Implemented /session/ftp for automated FTP upload. Added scripting extensions for setting variables, state and retrieving data. Make Log, ISAPI and other string comparisons case insensitive. Fixed ODBC connection bug causing DDE applications (i.e. Netscape, Eudor) to hang. Fixed the HTTP->FTP proxy bug. Implemented Document Manager interfaces for remote page maintenance (Pro only). Implemented a POP3, SMTP Server server and WebMail interface (Pro only). Increased the limit of the DBMS format output to 8K. Implemented <LIMIT> feature of .htaccess. Implemented search engine spider. (Pro only) Added ASCII8 characters to the valid search characters. |
Release 4.2 Beta 4 (10/98) |
Removed event callout errors associated with security constraints. Enhanced log rotation to be daily, weekly or monthly. Implemented .htaccess support. Added multi-part byte ranges to fix PDF file download bug with Adobe reader. Fixed Y2K date issues with HTTP header respose (RFC850 compliance). SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy functionality implemented. Fixed BASE tag of hilight queries so links work propery within a page. Enhanced security to display the messages/filtered.htm file when errors reported. |
Release 4.2 Beta 3 (9/98) |
Fixed security bug relating to files ending with a period (.) Fixed DBMS scripting bug when 2 columns are selected with "format". |
Release 4.2 Beta 2 (9/98) |
Implemented proximity search and ability to index larger numbers of files (Pro version only). Rewrite indexing engine to cache pages for better index creation performance. Implemented stand-alone encryption utility (sacrypt) for use with the password file. Fixed network bugs that caused 500 status errors (SO_SNDBUF inappropriately set to 0). Fixed Enhanced POP3 proxy bugs associated with AUTH command (Netscape 4.04 mail client). Modified CGI handler to look for #! interpreter in file prior to FindExecutable() file association. Modified FTP store to leave partial uploads so they can be resumed (was always deleting). Auto gzip of rotated log files (and added gzip interfaces in sambar.lib). Added file cache system for enhancing server disk I/O performance. Added ability to schedule /session/ RPC execution (for use with url2file). Added url2file RPC for generating a static file from an URL. Made TMP Directory configurable. Implemented AUTH_PASS in ISAPI interface and CGI interface. Fixed multiple CGI/WinCGI include bug (temporary files). |
Release 4.2 Beta 1 (7/98) |
Added native FTP proxy. Added unbuffered CGI option. Fixed dbcache lookup problem (partial name matches) and added performance monitoring. Removed 16KB ISAPI response limitation. Added META tag indexing. Added mail notification on server failure (from Watcher Daemon). Modified defaults to only allow admin access to localhost. Fixed ISAPI to allow NULL buffer length on ServerSupport function (delphi 3 bug). Added support for FTP access to different drives via browser (ftp://). |
Release 4.1 Production (6/98) |
Implemented WinCGI [Form External] functionality. ([Form File] not yet implemented). Fixed the date-time returned via SSI to conform to RFC1945 (thanks Steve Hardt). Fixed CGI CloseHandle() bug that caused a server crash (thanks Jose Antonio Perez). Added upload sample script. Added ability to mail out nightly log analysis reports. Added OR support to scripting language. Fixed PATH_TRANSLATED truncation bug. Fixed search corruption problem with primary keys longer than 128 characters. Added thread-pool model for testing (rollout in 4.2 release). Added the ability to trace client-server using the Bridge proxy. |
Release 4.1 Beta 6 (4/98) |
Sorted directories displayed when using auto-directory indexing. Fixed FTP file validation to allow all file access to users with star (*) access. Modified the FTP download information to display the file name and length (BINARY mode only). Attempted to fix the FTP bind issues with multiple network adapters. Fixed proxy bug associated with lower case conversion. Added IE Active Channel provided by James Wright Closed several security bugs discovered by Steve Posick. Fixed HTTP/PUT to truncate files on upload. Fixed "highlight" option to put <BASE> tag so links are fixed up properly. Fixed ISPAI Extension support for Delphi GetServerVersion() response. |
Release 4.1 Beta 5 (4/98) |
Added the ability to have multiple extensions for Server Scripts. Added the ability to highlight search results (words searched on). Fixed log rotation crash (when proxies enabled). Fixed embedded quote problem in the DB scripting implementation. Added polling model for more efficient processing when multiple servers are active. Fixed administration login when other cookies are used on the site. Added support for Status: return from nph-CGI scripts (and Delphi WinCGI). Fixed HTTP_REQ_SEND_URL call via ISAPI extensions. Changed 'Optimize Transmit' to false by default to overcome performance problems with TransmitFile on Windows NT. Fixed the ISAPI mapping bug. Shortened the disconnect linger paramter to 10. Modified FTP star (*) directory listings to use UNIX slash (/) conventions. Set KEEPALIVE on all proxy connections to detect disconnects. Made all security tests lower-case to remove case sensitivity (thanks Jeff Cook). Closed security loophole when leading slash missing (thanks Systemburn Radiks). |
Release 4.1 Beta 4 (3/98) |
Fixed restart and shutdown crashes. Fixed dial-on-demand crashes (Microsoft optimizer). Fixed trailing directory slash bug. Added ISAPI Search DLL and sample code. Fixed FTP command line reader to handle pipe-lined commands. |
Release 4.1 Beta 3 (3/98) |
Added the ability to connect to alternate POP3 servers via the POP3 proxy. Added ability to automatically restart the server each day. Allow 'admin' and users entering on into the server when PAUSED Added scrolling text box to show server requests. Fixed server to support index.cgi as a valid Home Page. Implemented DOCUMENT_NAME CGI environment variable. Open all log files in "shared" mode so other applications can access the files. Fixed truncation problem with 'tmp' files resulting in old errors being returned. Closed the double slash (// and /./) security loophole (thanks Systemburn Radiks). Tilde character removed from URL valid characters list (see Security Warning). Many thanks to Joe Smith for documentation review! Installed and tested JRun server-side Java package (see ISAP Applications) Added missing WinCGI parameters. Fixed WinCGI support to not quote filenames (unless there is a space in the directory name) - thanks Tony Karp! Fixed Dial-on-demand crash after dialing. Moved [aliases], [cgi-aliases] and [wincgi-aliases] to the mappings.ini file. Added ISAPI Extension support. Added missing secure.stm administration FORM. Fixed dial-on-demand crash when a RAS error was raised. |
Release 4.1 Beta 2 (2/98) |
Fixed administration FORM problems with Group Administration and HTTP Log Reports Increased the maximum loop-buffer size to 4000 bytes Removed the dependency on ODBC32.DLL unless DBMS Enabled Fixed FTP STOR bug that resulted in file merges Allow FTP access to all drives with star (*) FTP Root Directory |
Release 4.1 Beta 1 (1/98) |
Created and included the "mailit" client mail program and sample script Changed to the CPAN Perl distribution instead of ActiveSite's Added CGI recognition of #! interpreter headers. Added user-defined task execution (see Task Scheduler). Added scheduled/automatic re-indexing of Search indexes. Made security filters case-insensitive Added RDBMS scripting interfaces. Additional CGI error information displayed on CGI failure. Renamed /images to /sysimage to avoid conflicts with FrontPage. sa_cmd_init() modified to include the SA_RPCPARAM parameter argument. Implemented NNTP Proxy support. Fixed CGI thread bug that caused system threads to accumulate. Significant HTTP performance improvement by changing when logging occurs. Modified the Search engine to support additional file information (and "page" display format). Implemented support for separate log files for each VHOST. Added [wincgi-aliases] section to the config.ini file. Support for scripting modules (see modules.htm). Support for the execution of CGIs within the document directory (see modules.htm). Support for parameters to CGI server-side includes. Support for a space separated list of Default Page values. Special thanks to Jeffrey Johnston ( for the "Power By" logo Added Top 50 referers to log analysis Added IP and request HTTP log filtering Added the ability to search across multiple indexes. Added "Perl Executable" configuration variable for alternate Perl executables Added "DOCUMENT_URI" to the CGI environment variables Added a "Working Directory" for use by DLL plugins (specifically the pagecounter). Added checkpoint the server logs prior to shutdown. Made alias lookups case insensitive Added IP-based document/directory security |
Release 4.03 Patch 1 (10/97) |
Added the ability to change the security Realm string Server installs SIGABRT handler to gracefully exit on failure (needed by Watcher Daemon) Added byte-ranges for restarting HTTP downloads Added System Administration IP restrictions Added the ability to PAUSE the Sambar Server Added ability to log search queries Added RCredirect scripting option (works like RCpage but with a redirect. Added DIRLIST_HEADER macro to automatic directory listing. Made virtual host lookup case insensitive Fixed search bug when TITLE is greater than 64 characters. |
Release 4.03 Production (9/97) |
Added Watcher Daemon for continuous server operation Fixed the Content Length associated with server-side includes Fixed the SCRIPT_NAME to not include PATH_INFO (when present) Added wildcard searches to the Search Engine Added support for executing CGIs without requiring '.exe' or '.bat' |
Release 4.03 Beta 2 (9/97) |
Fixed a significant networking bug that resulted in "Document has no data" errors (thanks Joe Smith!). Added document and CGI aliasing. Fixed CGI environment variables to return values with UNIX directory paths (/) -- required for PERL Changed search index to use relative paths (requires re-indexing!) Fixed POST bug that affected many PERL discussion CGIs Fixed FTP_WELCOME message to display line breaks as they appear in the macro define. Added FTP_GOODBYE message to display on QUIT. Fixed bug in the performance timestamp written to the log file. Removed all PC-specific directory notation, now use UNIX forward slash (/) (affects configuration files) Fixed HTTP SSL Proxy bug Fixed FTP server bugs associated with directory slash (/) symbols Implemented FTP REST (restart) command -- NOT fully tested! Included the Ceilidh 1.50 Group Discussion forum from Added CR/LF to all configuration and log files. Added HTTP_COOKIE CGI environment variable. Fixed FTP RENAME bug. Fixed document directory list of server when "home page" is missing. Fixed search bug that caused words following HTML tags to be missed |
Release 4.03 Beta 1 (8/97) |
Implemented Sambar Server NT Service option (see Install Documentation) Implemented Virtual Hosting Implemented FTP APPE (append) command -- NOT fully tested! Implemented HTTP PUT method -- NOT fully tested! Added support for multiple users/groups for security restriction Support for ISINDEX queries (see CGI documentation). Fixed bug in security.c where case-sensitive comparison was performed Fixed bug when writing out server configuration that caused the document directory to get trashed Fixed bug in security processing when directory is not the install directory Modified FTP to support file names with spaces and dashes (valid characters are alpha-numeric, space, dash and underline) Provide status update while Search Indexer is running (file list) Implemented Server-side includes (see SSI documentation for implementation notes) Improved the log analysis agent discovery (more extensible) Added active users report (and the ability to terminate sessions) Added parent environment to CGI environment Added REMOTE_USER, PATH_INFO, PATH_TRANSLATED and CONTENT_TYPE to CGI Fixed FTP root directory path bug Fixed WinCGI and CGI to work with 16-bit applications and fixed parameter passing Fixed CGI QUERY_STRING bug (was passing URL with |
Release 4.02 (6/97) |
Fixed many CGI bugs Implemented WinCGI (bug reports appreciated) Added ODOMETER-like page counter with source code Fixed directory redirect when request does not include trailing slash (/) Implemented CGI in-lining with internal scripting language Fixed user administration page to show configured privs Implemented log file rotation mechanism Added support for incremental additions to the search engine Fixed bug in FTP authentication bug Added ability to redirect HTTP proxy requests to a remote caching proxy Moved system administration and error messages out of docs directory Added auto-directory listing capability (if no default page) |
Release 4.01 (6/97) |
Added SSL-tunneling to HTTP Proxy Added FTP proxy support (via HTTP protocol) Beta Release! Fixed MIME bug with case sensitivity. Support for network-disconnected HTTP & FTP use (localhost) Support for FTP directories not rooted under the Sambar Server installation Search indexing of files without file extensions (character ~ to Index Only configuration entry) Allow the WWW Document directory to be rooted in a directory other than the Sambar Server installation directory Fixed Perl bug when installation directory has a space in the name |
Release 4.0 (5/97) |
FTP Server implemented FTP Log Analysis tool SMTP, POP3 & IMAP4 proxy services HTTP keep-alive implemented AD/content filtering via HTTP proxy Search engine character set configurable CGI 1.1 implemented (Perl 5 included with server) Windows GUI shell wrapper (source code provided). DLL based Server interface exposed. |
Release 3.0 (2/97) |
Server runs in DOS console Rewrote server-side scripting language Implemented format for user-definable RPCs via DLLs Dymamic HTML content generation via server-side scripting Full-text search engine HTTP proxy server HTTP Log Analysis tool HTML based System administration console Customized error messages. Source code samples provided |
Release 1.0 (95-96) |
HTTP Server implemented Primitive server-side scripting language Flat-file based personal profiling |
Release 0 (94) |
Known as RCom (Remote Commander) Sun RPC based protocol Client API library provided client/server distributed architecutre Primitive command line GUI tool and scripting language. Focus was on software distribution using "push" technology Client profiles maintained by server Dynamic server-side scripting provided based on client information |
© 1998 Sambar Technologies. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.