These settings affect how Opera displays Web pages. You have a great deal of flexibility to override the Web designer's page style.
With the exception of the default zoom, it is recommended that you be somewhat familiar with markup language and style sheets before you change these settings.
In Opera, you can zoom in and out of Web pages. If you want all your Web pages to start with a particular zoom rate, specify it here. You can also zoom individual Web pages by clicking the down arrow next to the field that says "100%" on the address bar.
You can specify which presentation mode should be default.
Web pages are sometimes composed of frames, where each frame actually contains a Web document. If you don't know what frames are, just leave these settings as they are.
These settings let you disable frames and in-line frames.
Opera lets you perform operations on single frames; you can, for example, view the source of a frame. To select which frame you want to work with, simply click your left mouse button. You can make Opera put a border around the active frame, so you know which frame is the active one. Then click the right mouse button and go down the Frame menu to perform actions on that frame.
Opera has two "modes" called "Author mode" and "User mode". Author mode lets you see the Web page as the author intended, while user mode lets you change the style to your preference.
Conveniently, the modes each contain two full groups of settings. You can switch between the full groups of settings simply by clicking the mode button on the address bar, rather than changing the settings one by one.
Usually, you will want to change the settings for your "own" mode, user mode, but you can change the settings in author mode too, if you want.
The following settings can be changed for each individual mode:
Page CSS | Use the page's style sheet |
Page font and color | Use fonts and colors explicitly defined in the page's markup language |
My style sheet | Use your style sheet (choose with ) |
My fonts and color | Use your fonts and colors (specified in Fonts preferences) |
My link style | Use your link style (specified in Fonts preferences) |
Tables | Disabling tables will dissolve tables on the page and display text inside tables as straightforward text |
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