File | Edit | View | Navigation | Bookmarks | Messaging | News | Window | Help |
New window | Create a new browser window |
New page | Create a new, empty page to browse in (only in SDI mode) |
Close window | Get rid of the active window |
Close page | Get rid of the active page (only in SDI mode) |
Open | Open a file on your computer |
Save as | Save page document on your computer, excluding images and style sheet |
Save with images as | Save complete page on your computer, including images and style sheet |
Import » | Import e-mail, bookmarks, contacts, and window setup into Opera |
Export » | Export bookmarks, contacts, and window setup from Opera |
Print the current Web page | |
Print setup | Configure standard print settings |
Print options | Configure browser specific print settings |
Print preview | Preview page as it will appear printed |
Work offline | Don't transfer data from the Web, only show already loaded pages |
Delete private data | Select different sensitive data to delete for privacy |
Quick preferences | Quickly switch some of the most popular preferences |
Preferences | Configure Opera to be exactly how you want it to be |
Exit | Exit Opera |
Undo | Undo the last operation (if possible) |
Cut | Copy selected text to the clipboard, then delete selected text (if possible) |
Copy | Copy selected text to the clipboard |
Paste | Paste contents of clipboard to where keyboard focus is (if possible) |
Delete | Delete selected text (if possible) |
Select all | Select all text in the area where keyboard focus is |
Find | Find a particular text string on the page |
Find next | Find next occurrence of the string |
Find previous | Find previous occurences of the string |
Inline find | Use search field on address bar to find text in page interactively |
Hotlist » | Choose between docked, floating or no Hotlist |
Main bar » | Choose between full, simple or no buttons on the main bar |
Personal bar » | Create your own personal bar with bookmarks and search fields |
Status bar » | Choose position of status bar |
Window bar » | Choose position of window bar * |
Address bar » | Choose position of address bar |
Scroll bars | Toggle scroll bars for browser windows |
Zoom » | Move in closer on a Web page |
Encoding » | Explicitly set international character encoding for active page |
Refresh display | Redraw page from cache (useful when switching encoding) |
Source | View the source code of the page |
Frame source | View the source of the active frame |
Links in frame | View and access all links in the page/frame |
Full screen | View active page in full screen (press F11 to return to normal view) |
* Either Window bar or Page bar appears depending on which window mode you select when you start Opera.
Back | Go back to previous page |
Forward | Go forward to next page |
Stop | Stop loading page (if loading) |
Home | Go to your pre-set start page |
Reload | Get the newest version of the page |
Reload frame | Get the newest version of the active frame |
Reload all pages | Get the newest versions of all pages open in Opera |
Reload every » | Automatically get the newest version of the page every so and so often |
Load all images | Get all images on the page not already loaded |
Set as home page | Set the page to be your pre-set start page (or enter an address) |
Go to page | Enter address of a page to go to (or choose a previous one) |
Go to similar pages | Search for pages related to the page you're currently viewing |
Add to Bookmarks | Add the page address to your Bookmarks (into the active folder) |
If you go to Windows preferences, and enable commands in the bookmarks menu , three commands will be inserted on the top of every folder and sub-folder viewed in the Bookmarks menu. If you select one of these commands in a particular folder, the command will be performed on that particular folder.
In addition, the root folder has a shortcut to open the Hotlist with your bookmarks (the first item you come across on the Bookmarks menu).
Manage bookmarks | Open the Hotlist with your Bookmarks |
Add page here | Add the page address in this folder |
Set as active folder | Set this folder as active (access with "Active" button on main bar) |
Open all folder items | Open all bookmarks in this folder |
Compose | Write an e-mail to a friend |
Send link | Tip a friend about the current Web page |
Check | Check your e-mail |
Check all accounts | Check e-mail for all e-mail accounts |
Send queued | Send all queued e-mail in a batch right now |
Send queued from all | Send all queued e-mail from all e-mail accounts right now |
Manage e-mail | Open Hotlist with e-mail folders |
Find | Find all e-mails containing a particular phrase |
Filters | Automatically sort your e-mail into folders |
New account | Create another new e-mail account |
Edit active account | Fine-tune the active e-mail account |
Status » | Connect to instant messaging server |
Offline | Disconnect from instant messaging server |
Online | Connect to instant messaging server |
Away, etc. | Let other people know if you are unavailable, etc. |
Send instant message to » | Send an instant message to a friend |
Manage contacts | Open Hotlist with all your contacts |
Find contact | Look up a friend in the instant messaging system |
Change account | Switch between your instant messaging accounts |
New account | Create a new instant messaging account |
Edit active account | Fine-tune the active instant messaging account |
Delete active account | Delete the active instant messaging account |
Read | Create a new window for reading news articles |
Previous article | Go to the previous news article |
Next article | Go to the next news article |
Compose article | Write a new article to the newsgroup |
Follow up article | Write a comment to the current article |
Reply by e-mail | Send an e-mail to the author of the current article |
Forward by e-mail | Send the current article to a friend by e-mail |
Catch up | Mark all articles in active news group as read |
Mark as read | Mark current article as read |
Mark as unread | Mark current article as unread |
List old articles | Show also old articles you have already read |
List all groups | Toggle showing of all news groups (while in group list) |
Show threads | Group articles belonging together |
Update groups | Check for new groups and articles on the news server |
New » | |
Browser | Create a new browser window |
Compose an e-mail | |
News | Connect to news server |
Special » | |
Transfers | Show and control your file transfers |
History | Show and access all Web pages you have visited lately |
Plug-ins | Show all plug-ins installed into Opera |
Cache | Show local copies of documents and images |
Java console | Show console with information from Java sessions |
Duplicate | Create an exact replication of the active browser window |
Create linked window | Create a new window to open links that are clicked in the active window |
Cascade | Spread out all your windows top-left to bottom-right |
Tile vertically | Spread out all your windows left to right |
Tile horizontally | Spread out all your windows top to bottom |
Restore all | Restore windows like they were before they were maximized |
Minimize all | Hide all windows (click window icons to get them back) |
Maximize all | Let each window take up all available space |
Close all | Get rid of all windows permanently |
Save window setup | Save the state of all open Opera windows for later use |
List all | Perform actions on multiple windows (useful when many windows) |
1 Opera Software | Show this browser window |
2 E-mail to Opera | Show this e-mail window |
3 ... | (The list continues for all your windows) |
This menu also appears if you right-click the Opera workspace area. The workspace is the area behind all your Opera windows. To see the workspace, try Minimize all from the menu.
Contents | Get help about using Opera (this help) |
Contents | Get help about using Opera (this help) |
Keyboard | Show richness of Opera's extensive keyboard shortcuts |
Mouse | Learn about Opera's amazing and highly addictive mouse gestures (absolutely recommended!) |
Tip of the day | Learn cool things about Opera (can be shown every time you start Opera) |
Tell a friend | Tell your friends about Opera using a convenient Web form |
Buy Opera | Buy Opera through Opera's secure Web site |
Register Opera | Enter registration information received when purchasing Opera |
Opera on the Web » | |
Homepage | Visit Opera Software's Web site |
Support | Get support from Opera Software |
Contact | Contact Opera Software |
Operamail | Create a Web-based e-mail account at |
About Opera | Show information about your installation of Opera |
The browsing menus appear when you right-click different parts of a Web page.
The Page menu appears when you right-click a part of a page that does not have text or images. It also appears as a sub-menu on the bottom of other menus used in the page area.
Back | Go back to previous page |
Forward | Go forward to next page |
Stop | Stop loading page (if loading) |
Home | Go to your pre-set start page |
Reload | Get the newest version of the page |
Reload every » | Automatically get the newest version of the page every so often |
Add to Bookmarks | Add the page address to your Bookmarks (into the active folder) |
Copy address | Copy Internet address of this page to the clipboard |
Send link in e-mail | Tip a friend about your active page |
Frame » | Perform actions on active frame (Advanced) |
View source | View source code of active frame |
Save as | Save source code of active frame |
Validate source | Validate source code of active frame using an on-line source validator |
Add to Bookmarks | Remember frame address in your Bookmarks (into the active folder) |
Copy address | Copy Internet address of active frame to the clipboard |
Reload | Get newest version of active frame |
Load all images | Load all images in active frame |
Maximize | Maximize active frame to fill the entire window |
Background » | Perform actions with the page's background image (same as | menu)
Duplicate window | Create an exact replication of the active browser window |
Create linked window | Create a new window to open links that are clicked in the active window |
Full screen | View active page in full screen (press F11 to return to normal view) |
Reload image | Get the newest version of this image |
Save image | Save this image to your computer |
Copy image | Copy image to the clipboard, so it can be pasted into a graphics application |
Copy image address | Copy Internet address of image to the clipboard |
Image properties | Show details about this image |
Use image as » | Skin Opera and your computer desktop |
Foreground skin | Use image as foreground skin in Opera |
Background skin | Use image as background skin in Opera |
Desktop background | Place image on your computer desktop |
Remove foreground skin | Disable the foreground skin in Opera |
Remove background skin | Disable the background skin in Opera |
Page » | Access | menu
The Link menu appears when you right-click a link. Try here
Open link | Follow this link in same browser window (some exceptions may apply) |
Open in new window | Follow this link in a new browser window |
Open in background | Follow this link in a hidden browser window (useful to get pages to read later) |
Add to Bookmarks | Add the link to your Bookmarks (into the active folder) |
Copy link address | Copy the link to the clipboard (to paste into e-mail, etc.) |
Save target as | Download the file pointed to by the link |
Page » | Access | menu
The E-mail link menu appears when you right-click an e-mail link. Try here
Compose e-mail | Write an e-mail to this e-mail address |
Add to Contacts | Add this e-mail address to your Contacts |
Copy address | Copy this e-mail address to the clipboard (to paste elsewhere) |
Copy mailto:address | Copy preceded with mailto: (starts e-mail client if executed later) |
Page » | Access | menu
The image/link menu appears when you click an image associated with a link. The menu contains the combined items of the Image menu and the Link menu.
The image/e-mail menu appears when you click an image associated with an e-mail address. The menu contains the combined items of the Image menu and the E-mail menu.
The Form menu appears when you right-click inside a form.
Insert » | Insert strings pre-set in Personal information in Preferences (time-saver!) |
John Galt | Insert first and last name into form |
John | Insert first name into form |
Galt | Insert last name into form |
... | (Other insertable strings will appear when specified in Preferences) |
Edit | Edit personal information which appears in this menu |
Undo | Undo last change in form |
Cut | Copy selected text to the clipboard, then delete selected text |
Copy | Copy selected text to the clipboard |
Paste | Paste contents of clipboard into form at cursor position |
Delete | Delete selected text in form |
Select all | Select all text in form |
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