Mooseoft Encrypter Help
Mooseoft Encrypter is a fast and easy to use encrypter/decrypter for your sensitive files. Mooseoft Encrypter also let you send your encrypted files via e-mail, Wipe files, create self-decrypting exe-files and good passwords. In Mooseoft Encrypter you can choose between Blowfish, Cast128, Cast256, GOST, IDEA, MARS, Misty1, RC2, RC5, RC6, Rijndael and Twofish. You can also choose hash algorithm which store the password in a safe method. You can choose between
SHA1, Haval and Rmd160 but in the future there will be more. The interface is very easy to learn. There are a lot of other programs out there with similar functions but you have to pay for them. Mooseoft Encrypter have no silly limitations or stupid licence. |
Main functions:
Encrypt files - This feature lets you encrypt all kind of files on your system. |
Step 1: Press the "Add file(s)"-button to add one or more files to the listview. If you want to add a whole directory you can press "Add Directory"-button. You can also drag files to the listview and drop it there. |
Step 2: When you have added all files you want to encrypt simply press the "Encrypt"-button. |
Step 3: Now you see a dialog there you can fill in a password. You can also encrypt the files to a specified directory and you can send the files via e-mail. |
Step 4: Now should the file(s) be encrypted. Look in the Listlog to see if there are any errors. |
Decrypt files - This feature lets you decrypt files you have encrypted with Mooseoft Encrypter. |
Step 1: Press the "Add file(s)"-button to add one or more files to the listview. If you want to add a whole directory you can press "Add Directory"-button. You can also drag files to the listview and drop it there. |
Step 2: When you have added all files you want to decrypt simply press the "Decrypt"-button. |
Step 3: Now you see a dialog there you can fill in a password. You can also encrypt the files to a specified directory. |
Step 4: Now should the file(s) be decrypted. Look in the Listlog to see if there are any errors. |
Wipe files - This feature lets you wipe any file in your system. When you delete a file in you operating system your deleted file will only be marked as free space and the file can be recoverable with a low-level utility. But if you wipe the file it will be overwritten and the file size will be set to zero and then will the file be deleted. When someone tries to recover the file they will only find trash. |
Step 1: Press the "Add file(s)"-button to add one or more files to the listview. If you want to add a whole directory you can press "Add Directory"-button. You can also drag files to the listview and drop it there. |
Step 2: When you have added all files you simply press the "Wipe"-button. |
Step 3: Confirm that you want to wipe the files. |
Step 4: Now should the file(s) be wiped. Look in the Listlog to see if there are any errors. |
Self-Decrypter - This feature lets you add files to a self-decrypting archive that you can send to anyone. They don't have to use Mooseoft Encrypter to decrypt the files. Just run the exe-file and type the right password. |
Step 1: Press the "Add file(s)"-button to add one or more files to the listview. If you want to add a whole directory you can press "Add Directory"-button. You can also drag files to the listview and drop it there. |
Step 2: When you have added all files you want to self-decrypt simply press the "Self-Decrypt"-button. |
Step 3: Now you see a dialog there you can fill in a password. You can choose if you want to send the archive via e-mail. |
Step 4: Choose location for the Self-decrypting archive. |
Step 5: Now should the Self-decrypting archive be created. Look in the Listlog to see if there are any errors. |
Send e-mail: If it is the first time you want to use the e-mail function you have to set a smtp-server in the settings->e-mail first. Fill in the information in the fields and add more attachments if you want to. Then press Send-button. Done! Your e-mail should be sent. |
Password generator: This feature lets you make a password list with safe passwords. I recommend you to learn a password made by this feature because they are very hard to crack. You should have at least 16 characters in a safe password. The first thing you do is to fill in how many passwords you want to Generate then you choose the length of the passwords. Now you choose which characters you want to use then press the "Generate Password(s)"-button. |
Wipe Options: Here you can choose how many times you want to wipe a file. |
Encrypt/Decrypt: Here you can choose a lot of encryption algorithms and hash algorithms. The default encryption algorithm is Blowfish and the default hash algorithm is SHA-1. You can also choose which delete mode you want to use when you work with the program. Wipe mode is the best method but it is the slowest and the others are faster but they are not so secure in some cases. |
E-mail: Here you can fill in the information you need to send an e-mail via Mooseoft Encrypter. Host is the smtp-server you want to use. If your ISP don't have any smtp-server you can use The port is for the most 25 but you can set it to someting else if your smtp-server use another port. Some smtp-servers need User ID. Fill in the User ID if you have to. Name and e-mail is optional but it's shows that the e-mail comes from you. |
Uninstaller: This feature lets you uninstall Mooseoft Encrypter. |
In this part I will write how you choose right security
program and about possible attacks against security programs.
How do I choose the right security program? There are a lot of security programs to choose but there are only a few really good out there. What you should look for in a encryption program. 3. Eliminate the scams. Anything that promises "guaranteed security" or "Military strength" is obviously written by someone who 4. Make sure the program has been tested by many users. How can I be attacked? There are several ways to attack a security program. Remeber that a hacker or cracker can crack the security without cracking the encryption algorithm. 1. Brute force attacks. This attack tries many password until it find the right one. Make sure you are using a 2. Dictionary Attacks. This attack is the most dangerous one. It doesn't matter how strong the algorithm is and how difficult the password is. Many trojans and viruses are having a keylogger which logs everthing you write and then it's easy to catch your password. Use antivirus and a firewall to protect you against trojans and viruses. Summary: Ok now you know what you need to do for better protection. A good password which is long and contains numbers and special characters, a firewall and a antivirus software. You should also check for updates for you're security softwares once in a week to improve the security. In Mooseoft Encrypter you can create safe passwords. |
Contact me:
If you have problem, comments or suggestions please feel free to contact me.
Mooseoft Encrypter Copyright (C) 2001 Richard Nyström