Script Editor v2.1
Copyright (C) 1998-2001
California, USA, DEV Team.
Welcome to Script Editor v2.1 Online Help. Here, you'll find a brief explanation
of all available commands that exist in the editor plug-in application.
This plguin, simplifies drastically the make and edit of Hackman plugin script files
(*.hmp). To access the plugin, from the Developer menu, select Script Editor. Note that
you need the SDK installed in order to execute the plugin.
- New: Creates an empty plugin script.
- Open: Opens an existing script in the editor.
- Save: Saves the scirpt file.
- Save As...: Saves the script file but lets you specify a new filename.
- Exit: Terminates the plug-in.
- Undo: undoes previous action.
- Cut: deletes a selected portion and copies it into clipboard.
- Copy: copies a selected portion into clipboard.
- Paste: gets a stored buffer from the clipboard and puts it into the editor.
- Delete: deletes a selected portion
- Select All: selects all the script.
- Date/Time: inserts current date and time.
- Set Font: selects font name, size and attributes for the editor window.
- Plugin name: sets the plugin's menu name.
- Set menu: defines the Hackman's menu name under which the plugin will appear.
- Execute options: sets the plugin's execute options.
- Shortcut: (unsuported in Hackman 6.0) defines an optional keyboard shortcut.
- Icon resource: (unsupported in Hackman 6.0) sets a menu icon for your plugin.
- Uninstall: information in order to uninstall the plugin.
- Contents: calls this help file.
- About...: info box regarding this plug-in.
Note: This version of Script Editor fully complies with Hackman v5.0/6.0.