UnRegisterPlugin receives a string that contains the name of a plugin, finds the
appropriate plugin in the registry and removes it. The function prototype:
void UnRegisterPlugin(LPSTR pName);
a string that contains the name of the plugin (not the DLL's name)
Returns - nothing.
Note: this differs from TerminatePlugin()
in that the TerminatePlugin() function inside the
plugin is not called. Also, the memory allocated with the new operator (when the
RegisterPlugin() function is called), is NOT deal
located. The plugin's DLL and the CPLUGIN class still remain loaded in memory.
Once your plugin is done using the other plugin, you must use the delete
operator to return the memory to the free space heap. Your plugin must also use
FreeLibrary() to unload the DLL (the plugin's) from memory. Failure to do either
of these actions will result in MEMORY LEAKS! ;-)