
Purpose: A watch is a continuously monitored expression varying from 1 to 10 bytes. If you set a watch (for example 0A0D), then every time this sequence is found, Hackman will display it according to the specified watch appearance. You must enable watches or set the watch mode to automatic first.


Here is where you enter the watches.
Insert a hex string from 1 to 10 bytes the press Add... to add the watch. To remove a watch, simply click on it and press Remove.
Apply to ascii content: will show the expression on the ascii part of hex & ascii monitor.
Mode: configures the numbering system as supported by Hackman.


Controls (with preview) the appearance of the watch.

Watch Modes

In order to work efficiently, choose the right watch mode:
Automatic: recommended, never worry about this setting.
Mute: disables watches. Faster surfing.
Enabled: always performing the routine. Slower surfing.
