DDE - Edit Commands

Command Invokes Parameters
Undo Edit_Undo Undoes the last action
UndoList Edit_Undo_List Pops up the Undo List dialog box.
Redo Edit_Redo Undoes last undo action.
Cut Edit_Cut Cuts the active selection to clipboard.
Copy Edit_Copy Copies active selection to clipboard.
Paste Edit_Paste Pastes the clipboard to the current position.
If an sctive selection exists, the selection is replaced.
Fill Edit_Fill Pops up the fill dialog box.
A selection is required for the command to operate.
Find Edit_Find Pops up the find dialog box.
FindNext Edit_Find_Next Searches for the next instance of an object.
Replace Edit_Replace Pops up the replace dialog box.
InsByte Edit_Insert_Byte Inserts a byte. Offset is the current cursor position.
InsFile Edit_Insert_File If lpName is null the insert file dialog is invoked.
Otherwise the program tries to insert the file specified.
Note that lpName should contain the full path of the file name.
InsRandom Edit_Insert_Random Inserts a random byte at current cursor offset.
Goto [lOffset] Edit_Goto lOffset holds the target address in decimal (long)
if lOffset is null then the goto dialog box pops up
GotoAgain Edit_Goto_Again Goes again to the specified address.
PasteSpecial Edit_Paste_Special The paste special dialog box pops up.
Watch Edit_Watch The watch dialog box pops up.
WatchMode [iMode] Edit_Watch_Mode iMode contains the values 1,2 or 3.
1=automatic watches
BManager Edit_Bookmark_Manager Invokes the bookmark manager.
BToggle Edit_Bookmark_Toggle Toggles bookmark in current cursor position.
BClear Edit_Bookmark_Clear Clears all bookmarks.
BNext Edit_Bookmark_Next Moves to next bookmark.
BPrevious Edit_Bookmark_Previous Moves to previous bookmark.
CopyAs [iMode] Edit_Copy_As iMode contains integer values from 1 to 9.
2=C source
5=rich text format
6=visual basic
8=hex only
InsertDWord [dWord] Edit_Insert_Double_Word dWord contains a Double word (hex expression).
if dWord is null then the Insert DWord dialog box pops up.
InsertQWord [qWord] Edit_Insert_Quad_Word qWord contains a Quad word (hex expression).
if qWord is null then the Insert QWord dialog box pops up.
ClearClipboard Edit_Clear_Clipboard Clears the clipboard.
SelectAll Edit_Select_All Selects all of the file's contents.
