
If you are already well familiar with the assembly language, you may wish to skip this section. Why assembly? Debugging demands the knowledge of the assembly language. If you wish to become a serious programmer, you might like to read up more about this fascinating language. This section will only give you enough info for intermediate level of programming with assembly.

Registers: General Purpose, Segment, Monitor, Flag, Using registers.

Command Quick Info
ADD Addition
AND Bitwise AND operation
CALL Execute
CMP Compare
DIV/IDIV Division (Integer)
INT Call interrupt
JMP Unconditional jump (transfer of program flow)
Jx Jumps Conditional jump (transfer of program flow)
LODS?/STOS? Load or store byte or word
LOOP Repeat block of instructions
MOV Moving contents between registers or register and address
MOVS? Copy byte/word to address
MUL/IMUL Multiplication (Integer)
NOT Call interrupt
OR Bitwise inclusive OR operation
POP Pop word or double word from the stack
PUSH Push word or double word onto the stack
REP Repeat copy or retrieval of byte or word
SUB Subtraction
XOR Bitwise exclusive OR operation

Note: This version of Hackman does not allow you to assemble directly parts of code. To do this, you may use Dos Debug that comes with Dos version 6.22 or Windows 95 for 16-bit assembly or use another assembler for 32-bit assembly.
