ClipHist Version: INSTALL: To install just copy the EXE to a useful directory. I like to have a special directory 'C:\Utils' for little programs like this one. Alternatively just copy it to the windows directory, usually 'C:\Windows' I also like to have it come up automatically when I log on. To do that create a shortcut to it in your startup directory. To get to the startup direcory right-click on the start button and select 'open'. Change directory to 'Programs' then 'Startup'. USAGE: When you run it an icon will appear in your tray. A left-click on the icon will hide/show the clipboard viewer. Also accessible via the hotkey 'Win+C'. A right-click on the icon will bring up a menu. These commands should be fairly self explanatory. The history submenu is also accessible via the hotkey 'Win+X'.