"Text Field" Section

This section has only one cell, named TheText, which contains the text associated with the object.
The text must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Some hints on how you can use this section:

- The text of an object may contain some information which you might need to use as a parameter for other objects.
For example, it may be the height of a column in a diagram, so that the column changes its height according to the value you type in it. So, as you type in a new value, the text gets into TheText cell in the table. Then in another cell, - say, Variables.X1, - this text is transformed into a number (=_evaltext(TheText)), which you can use for further calculations.

- The text can also reflect some object property or system parameter.
For instance, you may assign an object to display text showing the system time, or some object parameter - angle, width, etc.
Then TheText cell addresses to that parameter.
For example:  in the Variables.X5 cell the sector size as a percentage is stored. To show this value in the text of the object, specify the following formula in TheText cell:  =_valtotext(Variables.X5)+"%".


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