
You can choose how TClock acts when you click the Taskbar clock or you drop file(s) onto it.

Drop files
Specifies what is done when you drop file(s) onto the clock display.
If you choose "Recycle Bin", the file(s) are moved to Recycle Bin.

If "Open with...", opend with a prespecified application. To select it, press button.
Left button
For a prespecified action, you can choose either single click or double click with the left button on the clock display.

The actions you can choose are as follows.

Date/Time Properties Opens "Date/Time Properties" of Windows.
Shut Down Windows Same as "Shut Down..." in the Start Menu.
Run Program Same as "Run..." in the Start Menu.
Minimize All Windows Same as "Minimize All Windows" in the Context Menu of TClock
Synchronize Synchronizes the time with a prespecified server if you complete the settings on " Synchronize " tab in the TClock properties.
Timer Opens the "Timer" dialog of TClock.
Copy to Clipboard Copy selected date and time to clipboard. See "TClock Format" for available format.
Open File To use "Open File", press button and choose the file which you open.
You can designate a URL such as "http://..." and "mailto:..." (if a Web browser is installed).
The default option is "Date/Time Properties".
If you choose both "Hide Start button" and "Start menu from Clock" in the "Taskbar" tab, the "Left button" settings are of no use.

Tip: To open My Computer, Disk Drive or Control Panel with the left click, create its shortcut and choose it.
Format the tooltip, which appears when the cursor is on the clock. See "TClock Format" for available format.