Context menu

If you right-click the Taskbar clock, you will find the following menu.

Adjust Date/Time
Opens the "Adjust Date/Time" dialog of Windows.
Cascade ... Minimize All Windows
Same as the context menu of the original Taskbar clock. While the "Undo" item appears in the original, it does not exist in the TClock menu.
Task Manager
In case of Windows NT 4.0, "Task Manager" item is added under "Minimize All Windows". It launches the Task Manager of Windows NT.
Taskbar Properties
Opens the "Taskbar Properties" dialog of Windows.
Opens the Timer Property dialog.
Appears after you set up time synchronization on the "Synchronize" tab in the TClock Propoties dialog from the context menu. If you choose this option, TClock connects the specified server and adjusts the time.
TClock Properties
Opens the TClock Properties dialog.
TClock Help
Opens the TClock Help file (TClock.chm).
Exit TClock
Exits TClock and returns the Taskbar clock to the original status.

While using TClock, the "Toolbar" option does not appear in the context menu.