About TClock
TClock is Freeware. Redistribution is permitted without any restriction.
- Media for redistribution (magazine, book, CD-ROM, WWW, BBS, etc.) is not restricted, no matter whether commercial or non-commercial. And, you do not have to ask for permission.
- Redistribution with modification of content of archive is permitted. Redistribution with creating self-extracting archive, or containing image of your own are also permitted.
- Redistribution with modification of Program file (exe, dll), Document file (txt, hlp, chm) is permitted.
Since almost software author inhibit redistribution as above, you should not misunderstand as "These conditions apply any case because TClock is permitted".
Author's mail address: kazuto.sato@nifty.ne.jp
The latest release of TClock can always be downloaded from the author's homepage.
About Mail